Some 'Scopes & Tarot (Today & Yesterday)

Nov 25, 2006 12:29

Daily Tarot: The Empress

The Empress card affirms that my alter ego today is a Domestic Diva, whose superpower is to conceive, nurture or create potential by labors of love. I'm mother to natural conditions, ideals or invention and when I hold court, I please or preserve by need or design, depending on my mood or hunger. I liberate dramatic results to inspire devotion, or make them over according to my own story. Today then, I shall indulge the pleasure and luxurious comfort of some romantic repose or pamper a delicious obsession with room to enhance my standard or vision of beauty. I set aside trends or time to exhibit style and charm assigned by heartfelt passion or wild fantasy, but in true multi-task fashion, I also support the progress of other fertile interests now poised for payoff beyond reproach, so don't cross me in my enchanted garden or I'll let you have it -- that's a promise.

Daily Love Tarot: Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands card suggests that proposals or ideas could come out of the blue, and you may need to think fast on your feet or improvise. This could be an opportunity to add spark or zest to your love life or relationship or to follow through on romantic plans. You might feel lost or crazy in love. Things could go too far or too fast, however, especially if one of you is unable to keep up with the changes.

Cosmic Calendar: Once the Moon enters airy Aquarius (7:42AM PST), the entire weekend is under this lunar aegis. Team sports, group projects and community events are in the spotlight. Become more involved in humanitarian causes and global movements close to your heart. Maintain a cautious approach to your investments since Vesta sextiles Pluto (9:20AM PST) and moves 45 degrees to Venus (2:33PM PST). This is amplified shortly thereafter when Venus in Sagittarius makes a sharp and frictional square pattern to Uranus in Pisces (2:56PM PST). Be prepared for strange gyrations in romance, business, the arts and social affairs. There is an 'anything goes' vibration that could go on for many hours. Don't push the envelope in sensitive love bonds. Be a good listener instead of conducting arm-twisting maneuvers. Open your heart to healing forces once the Moon makes its monthly union with Chiron (5:30PM PST). A yoga session or period of reflection at or close to this time is recommended. Let the good times roll this evening. Host a party, attend a musical concert or dance the night away.

Today's BabyScopes

Katey: Watch carefully today to see what Mommy does when she knows what she wants and takes all the right steps to achieve her goal. Her focus and determination inspire you.

Natey: Excellent work! With a little aid, Mommy got the project back on track. Pause now and plan carefully what has to be done next. She's almost there, but this is no time to assume the project will proceed on its own.

Yesterday's Daily Tarot: 5 of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles card suggests that your perceived deficiencies, anxieties or cravings may only exist in comparison to the group that you feel is excluding you. Remember that you have options. You are a survivor, able to deal with the flaws of your partner and the cold shoulder from those who see your values as unusual or suspect. Either may be putting a strain on your love life. You can find strength in adversity, so don't be too quick to curse your lot. Be willing to face the unknown hardships for the sake of future improvements, growth and acceptance. Soon you will be in a place where you can express yourself fully. For better or worse, you may still have each other as well as your faith that some good can come of this.

Yesterday's Daily Love Tarot: The Hierophant

The Hierophant card affirms my alter ego is mandated to practice what I preach as both a First Among Equals and Disciple to its network or fold. Dual port-keys decode my superpowers to account and self-preserve, bound to conform by faith or rights under equal protection, or resist to re-balance high-handed architecture that's on the brink of collapse under its own culture, hypocrisy and crossed virtues. Being in or out of the Barnyard Pageant sets a line or oath between 'us' and 'them' but today's dose of theatrical humility, passive climate or organized troubles lends credibility or continuity by promoting rank and file image. By popular demand I bow to the master or am compelled to honor a blueprint, uniform or code of common decency to get to the top or bottom of it. Take me to your leader and I'm inclined to condescend to acquiesce to a request, unless inconsistent with house rules.

Yesterday's Cosmic Calendar: The cosmos is now in retreat after bringing you several days of inspiring alignments. While many people are in a shop-until-you-drop orientation, the Moon in Capricorn continues to point the compass in the direction of professional advancement. Make a sober and serious analysis of your resources, tools and talents. A Venus-Pallas 40-degree aspect (4:48AM PST) can coincide with morning strategy sessions that give you an edge over erstwhile competitors. This is galvanized by the monthly Moon-Pallas union in Capricorn (12:14PM PST). Think of bold ways that can help you rise to the top of totem pole in your field of achievement. Persistence pays off later in the afternoon as the Moon makes a productive association with Mars in Scorpio (5:44PM PST). However, this sextile alignment also starts a void lunar cycle that lasts until 7:42AM PST tomorrow. Finish odds jobs this evening and drop recent tensions. Peruse textbooks, almanacs and encyclopedias while the Moon makes a 150-degree link with Saturn in Leo (10:42PM PST). Romance needs to take a back seat to learning right now as Venus approaches an abrasive square pattern with unpredictable Uranus (exact tomorrow afternoon).

Yesterday's BabyScopes

Katey: When you go out with Mommy and Daddy today, make a good impression on everyone you meet -- use that charming smile of yours to win 'em over. The world is your oyster. Yuck! Okay, the world is your cookie.

Natey: Whoops! Something completely beyond Mommy's control has caused a minor setback, but not to worry. Remind her that she's come this far, so she has to press on. Smile and giggle a lot to make her happy.

tarot, food for thought, horoscopes

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