Info Survey (Snagged from Frenchie)

Oct 28, 2006 20:05

1. Story behind your Myspace song: It's by Orgy's very gr00vy sister band.

2. What month were you born in? June.

3. Where do you live? Physically: City of Lakewood, State of Ohio Emotionally: City of Hippiechickapolis, State of Insanity Spiritually: City of Eh-ville, State of Contentment


4. Wallet: I don't have one anymore, unless you count my gr00vy new purse! Jon says that it's a travelers' wallet, but me thinks it's snazzy.

5. Dream car: If/When I ever get my drivers' license again, I would love to drive a GrandAm with a lavender-turquoise-blue prism paint job (Think: Sally Hansen's Nail Prisms)

6. ToothBrush: Purple with a suction-cup on the end of it to keep it on the sink for easy access and drying (as there is no room for a toothbrush holder on my tiny ass sink). I found it at Dollar Tree... one of the gr00viest dollar stores I have ever been in!

7. Necklace/Earrings/Bracelets? Necklace: It's a tie between my emerald & zirconia heart necklace (that my MIL gave me for my 26th birthday) and my heart with huge zirconia in the middle necklace (that Jon gave me for Christmas last year). I love 'em both. Earrings: Pear-shaped zirconia and gold studs. Bracelets: Eh... I don't really wear one that often.

8. Pillow Case: Dark purple.

9. Eyes: Kalediscopic green. If ya don't believe me, ask Jon, Charles, or my MIL ~ they'll tell ya it's true!

What happened to #10?!

11. Love life: It is sooooooooo wonderful... I never want to stop falling in love with Jon... he completes me on every level.

12. Cologne/Perfume: I love Drakkar Noir on Jon... oh, it does *things* to me! But for me, I prefer a varitey. Lately I've been wearing a lot of Calgon body sprays (Hawaiian Ginger and Tropical Dreams) and Body Fantasy's Coconut spray.

13. CD in stereo: I lost all my CDs a long time ago (long story *sniff*), but I listen to just about everything. The only CD I own right now is a copy of The White Album by The Beatles, which ecips so kindly copied and sent to me in its own gr00vy lil CD cover (and the CDs were also labeled) that he designed himself.

14. Piercings: Ears only - 2 in left, 1 in right. Yes, I'm kinky like that, but it was an accident.

15. Wearing: Oversized blue sweats with the waistband rolled down to fit, white t-shirt with 3 smiley faces on it with the words "Life is Good" (one of my favorite shirts to wear cuz the statement is so true for me), beat-around used-to-be-white ankle socks.

16. Wanting: To get divorced!

19. Something you are afraid of: The dark, unless I'm cuddling with Jon.

20. Do you like candles? Yes, I love 'em.

21. Do you like the taste of blood? Eh, not really.

22.Do you believe in love? I do now.

23. Do you believe in soul mates? Yup.

24. Do you sleep naked? Sometimes... but not as much as I wanna.

35. Do you like seafood? Shrimp and lobster are okay, but everything else just looks too weird for me.

26. Do you remember your dreams? Only if I am able to sleep until I am no longer tired, or if the dream was very noteworthy.

27. Do you consider yourself a study freak? In school, I wasn't, but nowadays if I'm interested in something (tarot, for example) I will research the hell out of it.

30. Do you believe in miracles? Yes. I could write a book on this.

31. Do you burn easily in the sun? Yes, but if I wear sunscreen, I'll tan instead.

32. Do you speak another language other than English? Not really. I took 2 years of Spanish in high school, but I can still read it fairly well.

33. What's something you wish you could understand better? My son's babbling. He's been getting a lot better at talking lately, but still...

34. Are you shy around a crush? I was in high school, but after I came outta my shell (pun intended, I'm a Gemini/Cancer); I became a lot more ballsy.

39.Who do you miss? Other Side: My grandmother-in-law, my Godmother, and my bio-Mom. Still Living: Nancy, Staci, my MIL, Teckla, high school classmates, etc.

40. Last incoming call on your cell phone? Don't have a cell phone, but the last call on my home phone was my dad.

41. What's your favorite restaurant? The Denny's off of W. 150th. The one right by MSN Imaging.

42. Last time you swam in a pool? Last May.

43. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree? Agree, but I don't think she's worth writing about.

44. How many kids do you want? 2. I'm done, getting Teh Snippage on the 4th.

45 What kind of music do you like? Everything except most of the mainstream gunk and sappy country shit.

46. What was the last thing you bought? The November issue of Cosmo.

47. Does someone have a crush on you? I dunno.

48. What shoes are you wearing right now? None at the moment. Natey stashed my pastel green fuzzy slippers somewhere.

49. Do you have a garden? No, I wish I did.

50. Where did Waldo go? Eh, I dunno. I stopped looking for that fugly bastard back in 4th grade.

51. Best movie you've seen in the past month? Lucky Number Slevin. If ya like your dramas twisted, dry humored and suspenseful, I highly recommend it.

53. Are you a good cook? Eh, I try. At least I don't burn water or anything.

54. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Yes, but I don't like to... the smell of gas makes me feel ill.

55. Do the Chinese really use cats in their food? I dunno, maybe.

56. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school? Only on Tuesdays for JROTC.

57. Last thing you ate? Toostie Rolls with Pepsi.

58. Think fast, who do you hate right now? Eh, I used to hate Kevin but I just strongly dislike him now. He's outta my life, so why dwell on it?

59. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? I dunno, my dad, I think.

60. Where were you for Valentine's Day? Here, at home. But it was sweet though! ;}

61. Last time you laughed? I just did... Jon took the battery-operated bunny outta Natey's bed and turned it off. The sound it was making was hilarious... it sounded like Natey was nailin' a clown in there! =)

62. What's your favorite animal? Monkey ~ cuz I call my son one all the time!

64. Who was the 2nd to last person to call you? My MIL.

65. Is there anything going on this weekend? Nothin' but chores, laundry and pictures/videos to take of Teh Babies. Maybe we'll go visit my dad.

66. How are you feeling right now? A lil tired, a lil "in the mood" and a lil bit hungry.

67. What do you think about most? My babies, my love (Jon), my MIL, my dad.

68. What do you think of the person that posted this before you? She's pretty gr00vy, and she's not afraid to be herself.

69. Who is most likely to repost this survey? I dunno... anyone who's bored, I guess.

random, quizzes, memes, surveys

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