Nov 24, 2005 22:50
so as thanksgiving night comes to a close and i sit here with a stomach full on mashed potatoes, stuffing, and more potatoes, i wonder what it is i am thankful for this year. well, i suppose i have lots to be thankful for: new friends, old friends, healthy family, and new experiences never imagined. yet i'm still feeling down. see, i have been religiously reading my horoscopes lately and they all seem to point in the same direction- confess to that one person you have been drawn to for some time. i feel that i should go through with it especially because it's something new and according to a friend, he says it'll be a good experience because it's something he regrets not doing; chances are the person feels the same way or already know, he adds. now i wonder, if the person already knows, why should i have to tell him? why can't it be like in the movies or the way i've imagined it for years and years where the two of us are "in it" and share a romantic kiss where no words are spoken? this thing they call love sure is tough i tell you. i guess it's no wonder why i continue to wait for my time to come, it's something i have yet to figure out. i do know though that i feel ready to give it a try and i could care less about what people will think, including family.
so i did it again, i thought my first livejournal entry in almost a year would be filled with interesting things but instead i wasted space on my sappy little love horoscopes and whatnot. anyway, thanks livejournal for always being here after months of neglect and to anyone who may stumble upon this one day.