Where I Talk About Why Mary Sucks

Dec 22, 2010 20:33

Okay, in case you didn't realize it, I am talking about (in my title over there) the drama "Mary Stayed Out All Night." I stopped watching it at Episode 6 with the faint hope that...you know, it would shape to be something like "You're Beautiful" which, while not being a hit in the conventional sense of the word, was appealing and fun.

But what the effery is this?

Like seriously. My heart bleeds for Poor Waffle Boy (his name escapes me but in Mary he is Jung-In). The man does not deserve to be treated as he is. I can't believe he is still being all stoic and emotionless. I would have cut a bitch and then blown things up and then watched them burn for fun.

Mae-Ri, I understand you don't love him. Can you grow a spine and tell you Daddy to shove the hell off? Please? The man is such a freaking hypocrite. The only reason he wants his daughter married to Jung-In is cuz he fancies Jung-In's daddy's money. Whose charm totally left when he yelled at Poor Jung-In (yes, he deserves capital letters).

Rossi, you were right. I feel indignant for the actors that they have to endure this drivel because honestly, it's really bad. It does not utilize any of the actors' collective talents, depending, instead, on cliches, stereotypical situations amongst other absurdities to propel the plot along. I am generally quite indulgent with Korean dramas because well...it's a drama, I can't take it too seriously - I am looking for entertainment, the easy kind. But there are moments when the "wtfery" gets too much and I believe this is one of them.

Jung-In's dad had a thing for Mary's mom and since he could not have Mary's mom, he wants to have her indirectly through her daughter being wedded to his son. How freakingly creepy is that? Freud would have a blast dealing with that situation. Jang Geun-Suk's ongoing "femme" look fast becomes unappealing but I can't begrudge him that since it is his character and we are far from times (well okay, we aren't but let me pretend, okay?) where a guy has to meet certain physical standards to be granted an eligible bachelor sense...though to be honest, I keep thinking that Jung-In will run away with Mu Kyul and Mae-Ri will be left weeping.

That might be a better idea, actually. Hee.

Anyway. The cute moments are eclipsed by the horrible writing and the horrible plot. If you haven't watched this one, I'd recommend you skip it and save yourself the angst.

I threw in the towel. Sorry Waffle Boy. And JGS.
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