Yay! I got me and Joe tickets to see Assemblage 23 on Oct 5th! AND I just found out IAMX is playing on Oct 16 in Willy B! AND VNV Nation is playing the same venue in Nov! That never happens, 3 of my favorite bands playing soo close together, this is soo fucking awesome, I can't wait :D
Here's a video for one of my fav IAMX songs:
Click to view
This weekend me and Joe stayed in, we played LOTS and lots of chinese poker. I tought him to play a few weeks ago, and he's been kicking my fucking ass. I finally got about 12 wins ahead of him though. We ordered food - mexican Friday night, Papa Johns Saturday night, and we got sandwiches from his favorite deli Sunday night. Guerya cheese is the shit, seriously. We played with his music equipment. I can't believe what dorks we are, talking into the mic, making scary noises and quoting stuff, while this thing he has makes us sound like demons. We tried to watch Snatch but it froze. He helped me study parasitology. Then we went to my Dads for a little whlle, and watched some South Park. I fucking love the anime and A.W.E.S.O.M.-O episodes. My Dad bought me a new camera (my old one still works but some fucking asshole cracked the LCD screen while at Project Revolution). I was SOOO happy about that. I'm miserable if I can't take pictures. Joe got me into Chuck Palahniuk, I read Invisible Monsters (god that book was awesome), then I started reading Lullaby, but moved onto Rant. It was supposedly out of print a few weeks ago, and I ordered it for him on Amazon, he read it and liked it a lot so now I'm reading it. I love his style of writing and quotes.
I'm off to work now.