Term I shall be using a lot in the future: "The Great Morrison Circle Jerk."

Apr 28, 2011 14:08

Considering how universally-praised Grant Morrison's Batman comics are by all comics blogs and press, it feels incredibly refreshing to read Georgethecat's frustrated response to yet another Morrison fan's condescending attitude:

Like, I honestly don’t give a fuck about how much Grant Morrison knows about the Batverse. What I care about is a good ( Read more... )

comic geekery, geekgasm, geekrage

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Comments 25

surrealname April 28 2011, 19:06:16 UTC
john, we have to buy this person a pizza.


benicio127 April 28 2011, 19:56:50 UTC

I like pizza with pepperoni and black olives ;)


surrealname April 28 2011, 20:09:02 UTC
You are the person getting the pizza?
we share pizza topping tastes. I like you.


skalja April 28 2011, 19:14:46 UTC
Georgethecat is always awesome.

I really wouldn't mind them so much if it weren't for the elitist snobbery of the fans, who love the way that Morrison makes them FEEL smart. That right there is about the smartest thing about Morrison's writing, which is generally rich with clever ideas and devoid of anything that makes for a good story.

This is true. Honestly, I don't even dislike Morrison's stories, but I don't enjoy them enough to counterbalance all the fangasming in his wake.


thehefner April 28 2011, 19:24:58 UTC
Yeah, for the most part, I don't really CARE about his stories, but the frustration I feel towards the fans causes me to somehow feel aggressively apathetic. That's kind of remarkable, really.


benicio127 April 28 2011, 19:55:33 UTC
lkjflkasjflksjflksjfalksd awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I feel so loved <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 So much right back at you <3 <3

Honestly, I don't even dislike Morrison's stories, but I don't enjoy them enough to counterbalance all the fangasming in his wake.

I think the worst is going to a place like the CBR forums because anytime I go into a thread involving the fans there talking about Morrison or a recent Morrison Bat-story is when I feel the biggest disconnect from comics and the fandom in general.


benicio127 April 28 2011, 20:15:47 UTC
Awwww I'm glad you liked my raaaaaaaaaage (I have great rage in my hearrrt) about Morrison ( ... )


thehefner April 28 2011, 20:37:43 UTC
Talia was already in a bad place as a character after what Rucka put her through in Death and the Maidens (I'm very sad we never got to see her truly recover and take her revenge of Nyssa), but there was still a chance for her to get back on her feet. Not anymore. Morrison's made his characterization essential to Damian's whole origins that we can't go without it anymore. On top of that, you have what Peter Calloway just did with her in Gotham City Sirens. For a second, it looked like there might be a return of character depth. Nope! And considering that there's a whole contingent of fans who HAAAAAAATED Talia already (Bruce/Selina 4evah, ZOMG! Not that I disagree...), Morrison's now just made their hatred justifiable by canon.

Jason is a balding, pimply redhead who quotes Milton and wears a really dumb costume.

Really, when you take Jason and turn him into a poor man's Hush, who was already a poor man's Black Mask... yeah, fail. I don't really care for Red Hood, like, at all, but even for me, that's not the way you go about it.

... )


surrealname April 29 2011, 03:43:27 UTC
well, john, I'm sure your going to see in your e-mail how passionately i responded to what she said about morisson's joker.

Just thinking about morrison's joker makes me want to punch everything in the god damn universe right in its ugly, stupid face... more so than all the other stuff that does that too me nowadays.

god i am pent up.


surrealname April 29 2011, 03:39:12 UTC
"And one more thing --- one of the things that I find almost as ridiculous as the fans who think he's an exalted God is when those fans say how scary or awesome his Joker is. All I can think is: are we actually reading the same books???????"

I want to kiss you passionately and buy you roses for saying this. and that comes along with the pizza. I don't actually have to kiss you, but that is the level of passionate agreement i have with you on that subject.

The Joker is... oh man. don't even get me started on what the Joker has meant to me in my life, cause it's just unhealthy, really. But the fucking things that morrison has done with him have honestly been a contributing factor in my decision to no longer buy comic books. HE SUCKED ALL THE FUCKING FUN OUT OF THE JOKER AND TURNED HIM INTO SOME FAN BOY IDEA HE HAS ABOUT DAVID BOWIE! THE JOKER IS NOT DAVID BOWIE! THE JOKER IS THE JOKER! FUCK YOU SO HARD IN YOUR FACE HOLES WITH A LEAD PIPE GRANT MORRISON.


sorry. I get worked up about things.


mellifluous_ink April 28 2011, 21:15:54 UTC
This is exactly how I feel about Alan Moore.


thehefner April 28 2011, 21:26:18 UTC
I completely understand. While I actually like Moore and think that he actually writes stories with characters that sound like real people and not idea-spouting cardboard caricatures, his fans are just as bad (if not worse) for the same fucking reasons.


mellifluous_ink April 28 2011, 21:53:46 UTC
More to the point, I'm sick of people, after hearing I dislike Alan Moore, tell me I 'just haven't read the right stuff' and then quiz me on what I've read. After hearing I've read Lost Girls, LXG and V for Vendetta, they just tell me 'oh those aren't his best work--you should read WATCHMEN!'

I'm sorry, no. I have given the man's work a chance THREE TIMES. I think that is more than fair.


deadwalrus April 28 2011, 22:25:22 UTC
Out of curiosity, have you had a go at 'From Hell'?


foxhack April 28 2011, 22:00:44 UTC
I stopped caring about him the minute I realized he didn't give a damn about what other writers wanted to do, and just went his merry way with Editorial backing him up.


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