When Henchgirl's in town, I rarely seem to ever do any LJ updating. Part of that is to do with the fact that anytime I feel the urge to rant or rave or ruminate about anything, she's already here to be on the receiving and responding end.
But even if that doesn't get it out of my system, I have a hard time writing in anything less than a vacuum. I need utter privacy and silence to compose my thoughts, otherwise the slightest distraction feels like being ripped awake after almost falling asleep. It's the kind of stress that gives birth to ulcers, leaving me feeling emotionally constipated, so that I'd rather avoid all writing altogether and drown out the nagging creative drive with booze, movies, and comic geekery.
That said, I have been finding myself using Twitter and Facebook more often for short nuggets of Hefwit and Wisdom, but even that's fallen to the wayside this week. Christmas stuff would be reason enough, but to top it off, Henchgirl's mother passed away. Needless to say, creative stuff has been put on the back burner.
But Henchgirl's ready to press onward, so I'm gonna get back on that horse as soon as I can. The 2010 Fringe Tour is starting to shape up, and she's gonna be with me every step of the way. We're already in the Rogue Festival in Fresno, CA, and the Indianapolis Fringe Festival, plus I've applied to Fringes in Minnesota, Cincinnati, and just yesterday, DC.
If we get into CapFringe, the new show will be called THE ROAD TO NOWHERE, rather than THE HEFNER TRAVELOGUES. It was suggested I go all-out and call it THE HEFNER TRAVELOGUES: THE ROAD TO NOWHERE, but there are two problems with this:
1.) I'm not Werner Herzog, and as such can't get away with titles like THE BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS
2.) It may confuse a lot of the same people who thought that THE HEFNER MONOLOGUES: HOW HEFNERIAN is the exact same show as the original HEFNER MONOLOGUES. In Orlando, Henchgirl kept hearing, "Oh, I've already seen that show last year!" Over. And. Over. Again. It's a different poster and everything, people, it... dang it, I'm establishing a brand name here, people! Feh, fine, I'm not taking any chances with this new show. At least with DC.
The title itself, THE ROAD TO NOWHERE, came because of one of the route in ROAD TRIP USA,
even though I never actually traveled along the real Road to Nowhere. It's not meant to be a Talking Heads reference, although I do plan to use "This Must Be The Place," as my theme. Well,
the Miles Fisher cover, anyway. I actually prefer that one. Besides, the Talking Heads' version is too "NPR" at this point.
So yeah, I have high hopes for this new show. I just need to finish writing the damn thing. Soon.