Well now. I'd heard some people say that the new Seth Rogan film OBSERVE AND REPORT wasn't accurately marketed, but that's a massive understatement.
Good lord, that was an excellent but deeply unsettling movie.
It's not at all surprising that it's gotten such mixed reviews, but my favorite joyless bastard, Devin from CHUD.com
gave it a rare 10
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Oh! Well, that makes it totally fine to laugh at a woman being raped, then. After all, rape is all about context. And the punchline is that she really wanted it anyway, she was asking for it. What a relief ( ... )
I never said it was okay. It's no more okay here than it was in, say, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. And those that say it is okay fall into that last category I mention, the idiots who see ORANGE and TAXI DRIVER as role model movies.
I didn't laugh, by the way. But then, I didn't laugh at much anything in the film, because I found it all disturbing.
What I was responding to:
"But if you're that special kind of viewer, the kind who likes to be challenged, who likes to go places sane people avoid, who thinks transgression isn't just desirable but also kind of hilarious, Observe and Report might be your favorite movie of the year."
He sums up my thoughts pretty well...The other thing I was responding to I quoted directly from you ( ... )
Well, that's ultimately what I'm also wondering too. How much does the movie ultimately trivialize or even glorify Ronnie's actions? Maybe other people aren't thinking about that, but I certainly am, and responses like this just make me want to dissect this film all the more. Because one way or another, for good or bad, this is a film that gets under one's skin. It's a very troubling film on a number of levels, but I don't know if that's a bad thing.
But that depiction of Brandi also ties into what I mentioned earlier, the question of how much of it is from Ronnie's sick fascist POV: how much of it is his fantasy, and by extension, how much (if any) does the film itself endorse? And if it doesn't at all, what does it say about the audience members who think that it does? But yeah, I do worry about the messages the film sends to certain people.
I probably shouldn't have co-opted the whole "challenging" bit, or at least been more considerate and careful with it. I get carried away in my zeal to try and get even a handful of people interested in seeing it. Because I think it DOES deserve to be seen, and discussed for what it is, for good or ill.
Sorry, I'm generally not willing go there for random strangers who decide that they need me to justify my reactions to them.
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