After the premiere, I sat down to try and pick a 'Meta Moment' for my mod post of the week here at
theheartofspn. I couldn't pick just one. I had an assembly of like ten different quotes and caps from both the premiere and prior seasons. It was like weird abstract art, and I thought, 'Shannon, WHUT ARE YOU DOING??'. There was actually a reason for it, an argument it turned out I was trying to make. Almost two weeks later, and alot of pondering over Sam particularly, I finally cranked out this massive meta that I hope makes much more sense than my first attempt. Hardly a meta MOMENT, more like eight seasons of meta moments. I blame
theheartofspn entirely for this monster.:D
zimshanTitle: 'NOT NORMAL. SAFE.': Why S8!Sam Makes Sense in Context of his History & in Relation to Dean
Subject: A walk thru of Sam's mindset as hinted at from the S8 premiere and in context with the last seven seasons of the show
Summary: Why S8!Sam makes sense in the context of where Sam comes from, where Sam has been, the choices he's made, the guilt and torment he underwent for those choices, what he wishes for others, and the climate Dean left him in at the end of S7.