So hey, here I am, back from the..... forget it.

Sep 23, 2003 11:00

I've been absent, mentally and physically, for almost a week now. With good reason, I suppose, considering the events that've unfolded.

- My friend's dad passed away. I found out when his mom called me, asking me to help carry her husband's casket in and out of the church. She sounded so stoic while telling me, it was just too surreal. I asked why she wanted me to do it, instead of one of her hundreds of Mexican cousins, nephews, etc.... Her response ' He would have wanted it that way. He loved you like you were one of his kids'.

- I carried the casket in/out of the funeral, and had to step up to the mic and give some words about my friend's dad. It was sad, I told a story about when we went fishing, his legs got caught in the wire, and he fell out of the boat. It was nice to see the people smile, and a lot of the elders in the family thanked me for bringing up a good memory that best exemplified their loved one. Needless to say, there were lots of hugs being distributed throughout the afternoon,and lots of tears shed.

- I don't ever want to ever carry any of my friends, family, or anyone in between up in a casket....ever. I guess that plays a big part in the way I act the way I do. See, some people ask if I have a death wish, am scared to die, etc.. I'd rather just be dead than have to go through the pain of losing someone I care about. It's thoroughly painful, and everyone who knows me knows: I hate not having any control or say in a situation. I can't embrace death, whatsoever. My weakest fault.

- Am I scared to die? Not in the least. I know that sounds weird, unnatural, etc... But, if I was scared to die, I'd probably just worry myself to death thinking about it.

- This whole Daniel Green 'thing' amuses me. Yes, I am glad that there is someone out there who actually cares about what I think, as a person. But how did I get dragged in to a situation regarding someone that I think has a reverse psychology about being an attention whore? Jesus, kids. Leave me alone.

- And Rose.....: Ah, nevermind. I'll keep it a surprise.

- April : Fix your goddamn icons. Oh, wait. Looks like everyone's icons are down. Neeeevermind.

- If you like d/ling music, try my Thursday Club song. It dates back to when I used to breakdance ALL NIGHT LONG. Heh. Those were the days.

- I'm sick. Really, really sick. Sick to the point of uber-sickness. Long story short : I can't keep food down. Guess I'm as good as dead. Eheeh.

- I can't wait to finally go to a 311 show with all my friends that I grew up with, instead of internet snobs sneering at me with that lame 'holier-than-thou' face. I'm glad to have the friends I have grown up with. We've stuck together through thick and thin, good times and bad. For that, I am humbled immensely.

( Was that wrong to end a sentence with an adverb? )

- Boy, do my Raiders blow this year. They stink. But since I am not a bandwagon jumper, I will go down ( get your mind out of there!) with my inevitably (sp.. I know, I know.) sinking ship.

- If you do read my entries, I will offer this advice for you, today: Don't take things for granted, especially people. You never know what good, or evil, someone is caple of. But you'll never find out, unless you give them a fair shot. Life is too short to dwell on those who annoy you, because it is a detriment to those you love. I've learned that lesson, but it's a continuous cycle. What I mean by that is, "You never stop learning".

Take it for what it's worth.

- Thanks to everyone who's gone out of their way to keep my mind off of the past week. Just making me smile has taken on a new meaning in this strange phase of my life. Not to sound too dramatic, but just diverting my attention for 5-10 minutes has really kept me sane.

Be good. Stay black.
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