Oct 28, 2003 09:56
More useless musings for you whores to take notes on:
- I wear one of my two pairs of Elvis glasses, every damn day. I don't care what anyone says about them, they're comfy and they look nerdy as hell.
- Did karaoke on Saturday night, for my first, and last, time. I love singing with a band, but karaoke is like throwing yourself to the wolves. I was in a bar full of rednecks, singing 311. It's not that I did a bad job, they people were just looking for the next Garth Brooks, all fucking night. Needless to say, I don't sing like my nuts are caught in a washboard.
- My brewery had it's Halloween party on Friday, and I dressed in my recyclable pimp outfit. I worked the door, checking I.D.'s and such, all while the fellow employees brought me beers and 'jungle juice' throughout the night. This is where it gets pretty funny... I checked I.D.'s for a good hour and a half, and by the time I went upstairs to the party, the jungle juice was dwindling.
If you're not familiar with jungle juice, it's basically a concoction loaded with fruits such as watermelon, cherries, strawberries, and other melon-ish fruits. Thing is, these fruits are then thoroughly soaked in every kind of hard alcohol you can imagine. Tequila, Vodka, Bacardi 151 ( yikes!), etc... etc..
There was a group of about 3 girls, all looking super-slutty in these naughty school girl outfits. I didn't realize how potent this jungle juice was 'til I actually entered the party, and EVERY PERSON in there was fucking sloshed out of their skulls. I snuck outside to smoke a bowl or two before entering, but my jaw hit the floor when I saw these slutty school girls dancing like they were on Sesame St. One of the boyfriends of this girl came up to me and told me to go dance with this short brunette, she looked about 27. I told him I was pretty baked, and debated on whether I should go dance like a moron with this girl. I figured it would be innocent enough, so I slowly started walking over to her. Before I could regain my focus from staring in to my third cup of jungle juice, she whips around in front of her blonde friend ( Doy! Another school girl.), ghrabs her ankles, then hiked her plaid skirt around her waist. It may have been dark, I may have had trouble focusing, but I know what I saw. Two ass cheeks and a big black thong.
Needless to say, I just wandered on and played dumb, because I'm shy like that. I figured I would have danced with her and ended up saying something like ' Hey, killer butt"!... Seeing as I'd rather not make an ass out of myself, I scurried on to other friends, who all ended up heaving their guts up by the end of the night.
We also had some stupid crackheads try to bust in and start a fight, I ended up tossing one down about 7 stairs, choked him out, then threw him on the pavement outside. The cops showed up while his friends threatened to kill me, same shit as always in 'The Family City" of Manteca.
- I don't think that Reed kid likes me. Good.
- Seems poor Vir-Jen-ia has had her past private life brought back, just as a tool for others to have a reason to hate someone new. That's what the world gets when I'm not online for almost a week. And for the self-proclaimed 'mature' people
she's brought up, it's no surprise that it's them that's up to their old antics again. All I will say is this, to Jen: There must be too much trust in a relationship when you have to hack in to your significant others' stuff,let alone post your feelings ina public forum without consent. That being said, let them have something to talk about on their late night conversations,or when shopping at The Gap, even if it is you.
You're old enough to know what 'tact' is. In case you didn't, it's a way of telling someone to go fuck themselves, and send them on their way, smiling. If anything, I'm sure it bugs them that they have to find another person to hate. At least I'll always be here. Hah.
Their circle-jerk festival is pretty close-minded, and pretty disrespectful. Be the better person.
Fro-less Ed : Cymande - The Message ...I made a post for you on the bb last night, simply because you will never know how grateful I am that you knew about such a great song. And no, I will not mango-ass-lube myself for you. But I may buy you a beer someday.
Bex: Super Happy? I think she's on crack now, but it sure beats the hell out of ' I don't know" , or ' Nothing". And her boobs smell like new car. Not sure if that's good or bad, just thought I'd point it out.
April : I love your new setup. It's much more boogie-down.
- Heard some of the 311 string quartet tribute cd... Sounds like yuppie elevator music, done to 311. Maybe at a snobby party I could throw it on and jam out... Oh , wait. I don't go to snobby parties. Tits.
- I think I like that song by ' Jet', as long as I don't have to hear it every 5 minutes.
- My buddy Tony Koodznooz isn't with Vertigo Lounge anymore....Not sure what to think about that. It almost doesn't seem like VL without him. Oh well, I'll have to wish the best for all.
-Talked to Mark Holt a bit. If there's one person who can make you genuinely feel like he's your friend, then Mark would have to be it. He treats every day as if it's his last, hugs you instead of ghetto-hand shakes you, and doesn't hold back on his thoughts about the good people, and the bad. I'm glad he's my friend, because he knows I act the way I do online for a reason, and it's a reason he thinks is stlyistically funny. I'm not a praying type of guy, but I always keep mark in my thoughts, and wish him a better life than I. He deserves it