Week of Love: Chocolate for Two

Jul 12, 2013 22:12

Originally posted by thehawksai at Week of Love: Chocolate for Two

Title: Chocolate for Two - Chapter 2 (of 2)

Rating: T

Contains: Awkwardness and Shunsui being Shunsui.

A/N: Here is the second chapter for “Chocolate for Two.” Like the previous chapter, the events are taken from a vacation experience that I had with my family. In case there was any doubt, I still don't own Bleach. Prompts for this fic were Resorts and Romantic Getaway.
Note: I was intending to post this later in the day, but there's bad storms here and the possibility of losing power. It looks like LJ is going to be down later too, so I figured I should go ahead and post while I can. This is my 7th and final entry for Week of Love. It's been so much fun and I'm looking forward to next year :D またお会いしましょう。

Nanao surveyed the bed with skepticism. She had not taken the opportunity to look at it closely earlier, and this had been a mistake. In the other room, she could hear Shunsui bumping into the wall as he tried to take a shower. Really, if the shower stall was too small for her, she could only imagine what it must be like for him.

She pulled back the covers and perched lightly on the edge. A few small creaks, but nothing more. Satisfied, she pulled her legs into the bed and laid down. Hard, round pressure points pushed against her back as the old springs swayed and creaked. She sighed. At least it was only for one night. This was, she reflected, yet another illustration of just how spoiled she had become living with Shunsui.

“Nanao-chan, are you sure this house wasn’t made with children in mind?” Shunsui ducked through the bathroom door, his tall frame black against the light. “I just managed to get my head under the shower and then nearly took out the light fixture.”

“There’s your fault for being so tall.” Nanao couldn’t contain the mirth in her voice, which sounded suspiciously like a giggle.

“Oh? I thought Nanao-chan liked tall men.”

“I said nothing of the sort,” she huffed.

“She had me fooled then.” He had crossed the distance without her knowing, his breath hot on her ear. She squeaked in surprise, batting his head away.

“Go to sleep. It’s late.”

The mattress tilted wildly. Nanao gasped, clutching at her side to keep from being rolled off as Shunsui sat on his side. Loud creakings and poppings emanated from the frame as Nanao clung to the mattress.

“It’s a little short.” He sounded a bit strained.

“And you’re too heavy. This will never work.”

“Does Nanao-chan have a better idea?”

She sighed, attempting to sit up. The mattress had other ideas however, and with a startled squeak she landed ungracefully on Shunsui’s chest. Pushing against his chest, Nanao tried to regain her side of the bed.

“Don’t you dare say anything,” she growled, his smirk all too apparent in the dim light.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Shut up.” She shifted further. “Move over.”

“Nanao-chan is bossy tonight.”

Nanao ignored the comment. If she perched just right she just might be able to stay on her side. It was no use however, and eventually she had to settle for being tucked into the dip at Shunsui’s side. Fortunately the little mountain cabin got chilly at night, so the proximity was not unwelcome. It was a convenient excuse, because she really craved his closeness as much as he desired hers. Talking openly about emotions had always been difficult for Nanao. She was highly independent, and proud of that. Despite their new status, Nanao still found herself struggling with the closeness of their relationship. It was undoubtedly what she wanted, but years of self enforced isolation did not fall away overnight.

“You know, Nanao-chan,” Shunsui’s voice sounded soft in the darkness, and she turned her head a little in his direction, trying to ignore the spring poking into her back.

“Do you remember what we used to do during this week?”

“In the past?” She thought for a minute. “The same as what we did this year, aside from the trip. You’d take me out for my birthday and then to Tanabata, and then insist that I take a couple of days off. And then the division would always do something special for your birthday.”

“We do something special for yours too, Nanao-chan” Which was true. Ever since she became Vice Captain, Nanao hadn’t been able to avoid a division wide party in her honor.

“That’s only because you refuse to pass by any opportunity for a party.”

“I take the opportunity to have fun whenever I can, Nanao-chan.”

“Is that because you’re so old?” she sniffed.

“Mean, Nanao-chan,” he chuckled. They both knew there was more to it than that, the unspoken fear, the glaring possibility that the next opportunity might never come.

“But I was just thinking-”

“What was that?” Nanao pushed herself onto an elbow. Loud rustling outside the cabin sent her scrambling for her glasses. Briefly, she felt Shunsui’s reiatsu pass over her, taking the measure of what was outside.

“It’s some kind of animal, Nanao-chan.”

Slipping out of bed, Nanao moved to the small window, but the trees blocked most of the moonlight.

“It sounds big.”

“It is big.” He had got up also and followed her to the window. “It’s a bear I think.”

She looked up at him, startled. She didn’t doubt him. After years of experience, he was very rarely wrong. But the idea that they might encounter a large creature like that on their vacation surprised her. She was not afraid, that would be completely irrational. Their powers gave them more than adequate protection, should they need it. Rather, it fascinated her. As vice captain, Nanao had the opportunity to visit the living world many times, but it had almost always been in more populated areas.

“I want to see.”

Shunsui’s eyes glinted at her in the darkness, and she could feel his surprise in the minute tensing of his hand on her shoulder and she looked over her shoulder at him.

“Lets go out and see.” She moved towards the door, but Shunsui’s hand stopped her.

“Nanao-chan? Are you sure that’s wise?” Apprehension riddled his tone and she felt a brief flare of frustration at his sudden balking. Really, for a man who liked to live on the edge in so many areas of his life, he picked the worst times to be cautious.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“They are very big animals, Nanao-chan. I’m not sure they are particularly safe.”

“I’ve faced bigger and more dangerous things before.” Exasperation tinged her voice. “Besides, what is it going to do, kill us?”

Part of her couldn’t believe she was using this argument with him. She was so rarely spontaneous about things, that was probably part of what was concerning him. But it was not like a living world animal could pose any real risk to someone already dead.

“We can leave the gigai inside, if you like.”

He let out a long suffering sigh, and Nanao thought he might sound a bit sulky. Probably, she realized, because it meant getting out of bed with her. “Very well, Nanao-chan.”

Outside a chilly wind blew, heavy with the scent of coming rain. The bear was a few feet away from the cabin, nose deep in the rubbish cans that were set out for pick up. It was smaller than Nanao expected, covered with thick black fur with small dark eyes the peered watchfully into the darkness. After their previous bickering, it felt anticlimactic.

“I don’t understand.”

“Don’t understand what, Nanao-chan?”

“I’d read that people in the living world were quite terrified of these creatures, but it hardly seems worthy of concern.”

Shunsui chuckled. “Most people in the living world are not trained for fight. To someone who is unarmed and untrained, it would seem rather intimidating. They are known to be quite fierce.”

Nanao shivered in the cold, glad of Shunsui’s warmth close behind her.

Overhead the low murmur of thunder rippled its way through the hills already the scent of rain hung heavily in the air.

“It’s just a little thunder, Nanao-chan.”

“I never minded a good light show.” Her voice was light and unconcerned. Large warm hands massaged her shoulders, finding the knots and teasing away the stiffness. Not in all their years together had she ever really succeeded in hiding things from him. Even if he did not know the specifics, if something was bothering her, he always knew. It was comforting and annoying all at once, and the feeling only got worse as she allowed him further and further into her life. He had a way of oozing himself into every corner of her personal space; it was almost a relief when they acknowledged their relationship and she could finally stop working so hard to keep him out. He was appallingly nosey.

Another rip of thunder made her jump, followed by the slow hiss of rain. They stood for a while under the shelter of the porch, enjoying the lull of the falling water.

“We should go inside.”

She nodded, following him back into the house. The rain drummed on the roof, sounding much louder inside than it had out on the porch.

“It’s late.” Nanao said as she saw Shunsui getting down the kettle. A cup of hot tea would be nice, but tomorrow would come early and they would still need to travel to the resort. Though, what she really wanted was a cup of hot chocolate.

“I know.” He continued filling the kettle and her eyes widened as his hand lit with kido. Seeing him use kido was unusual, as he usually preferred to leave that to her. It was not that he was not proficient in its use. He had certainly lived long enough to become proficient in any number of things.

“Water’s hot, Nanao-chan,” he grinned.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Who said I want tea?”

“Who said I’m making tea?”

She scowled. Normally she would have let it go, but she was tired and the day only seemed to be getting stranger. Now he was presuming to know what she wanted.

“It’s not hot enough.” She snatched the pot from him, hand already lit with kido.

“Nanao-chan has such wonderful precision.”

“Did you bring tea bags?”

“I said I’m not making tea.”

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m going go get some blankets and bring them in here.”

Shunsui stopped, eyebrows raised.

“Sleeping in that bed is going to be impossible. If the springs are bad for my back, I can’t imagine what they are like for you. We can bring some blankets in here and sleep by the fireplace.” It wouldn’t be the first time they had been reduced to sleeping on the floor.

A light frown passed briefly over his face before he nodded. “What ever you think is best, Nanao-chan.”

In the bedroom, Nanao began gathering blankets with vicious efficiency. When a heavy drop hit her sleeve, and she paused. A closer inspection revealed several small wet patches, and she glanced suspiciously up at the ceiling.


He didn’t respond.

“Shunsui?” She snapped.

“Coming, lovely Nanao-chan.” He appeared at the door, trying to look innocent.

“There appears to be a leak.” She scowled at him, arms crossed.

He moved into the room to stand beside her. “In here too?”


“There’s several in the kitchen. I put pans under them, so hopefully it won’t be too messy.”

Frustration, annoyance, anger with Urahara for putting them in this ridiculous situation, all would have been a reasonable response, but Nanao felt none of these.

“Here.” Pushing some of the blankets into Shunsui’s hands, she reached for the pillows.

Shunsui accepted the bundle without comment. “Should we bring the mattress into the other room?”

“You really want to sleep on it?”

“Not especially, but it might be more comfortable for you. I can’t have Nanao-chan sleeping on the hard ground if I can help it.”

“I most certainly do not want to sleep on it. I’m not sure it’s entirely stable.”

He chuckled, following her hack into the other room, pausing to bring his pink shirt out of the bathroom to hang by the fire to dry. Nanao had successfully removed the stain, though it was doubtful she would let him wear it tomorrow without letting her iron it first.

The fire crackled and popped merrily as Nanao scooted closer. Shunsui had brought the kettle of hot water over, balancing it on one of the logs on the outer rim of the fire. He had brought a tin container with him from the kitchen and was carefully measuring spoonfuls of powder into the two mugs.

“What are you doing?”

Pouring the water carefully into one of the mugs, he stirred in the powder and held it out to her. “Hot chocolate for Nanao-chan?”

She blinked, taking the warm cup in her hands. “Admittedly it would be better with milk.”

“And marshmallows,” she added but her voice was soft and a light smile graced her lips.

“And little chocolate sticks. With whipped cream and chocolate shavings.” The man had an obsession with chocolate.

Nanao took a sip. “How did you know that I wanted hot chocolate?”

“Just a hunch.” Taking his cup, Shunsui settled on the couch beside her. One of his arms snaked around her, pulling her close and she allowed herself to snuggle against his side, enjoying the moment and his presence.

“I’m sorry, Nanao-chan.” He was watching her. His eyes were dark and sad. They reminded her of the sea when they were like this. Smooth and calm, but underneath powerful currents moved, inviting her, drawing her down to deep depths. She froze for a moment, mesmerized by what she saw there.

“I’m not sorry.”

His brows elevated and his mouth opened to speak but she stopped him with a shake of her head.

“Hear me out, please. This isn’t what we expected, it’s true. But it hasn’t been unpleasant.”

“Except the spider.”

“Except that,” she agreed after a moment. “But it isn’t as though this has been a bad experience, all things considered. Besides,” she frowned, searching for words and grateful that Shunsui did not try to speak. “For us, as shinigami, our lives are so different. In books in the living world, people look to the future, to times when they can make memories. But for us, we stand in eternity.” She shook her head, frustrated with her lack of clarity.

“So the unexpected holds something special for us.”

She nodded. “The resort would have been nice, but we’re here. Together.” Her eyes searched his face as his eyes softened.

“When did Nanao-chan becomes such a romantic?” His voice was low, reverberating in Nanao’s chest but she resisted the urge to look away.

“I’ve a very good teacher.”

“Have you?” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Tell me about this teacher.”

She laughed softly. “Well he’s nosey, overprotective and somewhat troublesome about his work.- ”

“I’m not nosey. I’m interested in lovely Nanao-chan.” He sounded sulky.

“Nobody said we were talking about you.” She attempted to look severe, but the corners of her mouth twitched.

“Hmm.” Leaning over he pressed a kiss to the traitorous corner of her mouth. “Tell me more about this teacher, Nanao-chan,” he murmured, his breath hot against her skin.

“He likes to invade my personal space.” All the bite left her voice. “And he is ridiculously romantic about everything.” She was fighting a losing battle and she knew it. Already her head felt light and her heart fluttered rapidly in her chest. “And he cheats.”

Shunsui chuckled, a low rumble deep in his chest. “Only in the best ways possible.”

Any response was cut off by his lips claiming hers.

“And has he taught you to cheat, Nanao-chan?”

She smirked against his lips. “Only in the best ways possible.”

A/N: And thus ends my first chapter fic. I really wrestled with whether or not to continue from here, but for some reason it just feels complete to me the way it is. I hope you enjoyed my flight of fancy. Thanks so much for reading!

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