Be My Valentine || @ memebells

Feb 15, 2012 23:50

The S.A.D. Meme

The Lowdown:

You and whoever you tag (or who tags you) are now on an arranged Valentines Day outing. Whether through blackmail, strong-armed friends, or outright magic of some sort, you're going out with this person all day. You don't get a choice...but you're not required to like it. There's no magic love spells in this, and no outright loss of bodily control. There may be certain compulsions along the way to ensure you're staying on track and having a lovely Valentines Day, but that's it. When the date is over, your strange (or not so strange) benefactor bids you goodbye and you can go on your way with minimal scarring.

Note: Sweet scenarios are G rated awkward-meme tropes. Spicy scenarios are R rated smut-meme tropes.

Procedure (you know how it goes)

♥ - Post your character with Name/Fandom/Preferences. Include whether you prefer sweet, spicy, or both, and you may want to mention if you prefer an unseen/magical 'benefactor' or if you'd rather play out non-magical reasons for the enforced date.
♥♥ - Others tag yours, either picking a scenario or rolling up one. (also picking Sweet/Sour or flipping a coin!)
♥♥♥ - Play out the scenario chosen, then move along down the line or derail it with other events!
♥♥♥♥ - There's no reason that a Spicy night can't move into Sweet, or a Sweet night can't gradually slide into the Spicy side. No two dates should be the same, right?

|| Link to the meme
& dinner date @ hamishforaname's thread

#john watson, #meme, #memebells

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