
May 21, 2003 16:39

We'll find out tonight who wins! Hehehe! So, I see you've found my LJ, Sharon!! I need to put it on my profile soon! Just I need to go on AIM more. I guess I could be biased myself on the racial stuff, but my whole family has noticed that one large populous of Ruben lovers is middle aged white women. And I really doubt they like his music or else 99.5 would have a much much higher listening group and 97.1 would be obselete.

And, Koyel, you do realize that you sing better than most people, right? Hehe. And thus you can sing higher. And Matt is a male who has undergone puberty (believe it or not). Yet, he is able to sing high notes easily. So, yayyy!

I am bummed-ish. Starbucks was cool but a little sickening (I sorta forgot that I don't take well to coffee) and it was raining constantly. And I failed the math test miserably. Like, literally. Everyone in our class had to stay 15 minutes extra after school ended to finish the test but I couldn't because of Connie's violin lessons. No... I talked to Ms. Dyas... and... sigh... let's just say that at least if I get a D I'll only get a B in the class or so.

Music videos are cool. Some can be soooooo freaky. They're such a piece of artwork! Someday musicians should put out a music video album, where there are videos not solely based on quickly advertising the singles in a cd. And MTV plays so few videos and so small amounts of it, so you don't get to see the beauty of them. If you all have time, I reccommend these pretty vids (although I know none of you will download them... hehehe.) And actually, some of these, I don't like the songs so much, but the videos make them amazing (notably the bands you haven't heard me rant about 24/7):

Marilyn Manson - I Don't Like the Drugs But the Drugs Like Me (Marilyn Manson doesn't do any drugs or anything, don't worry. He gets his arm not-blood-ishly sawed up and everyone is distorted)
Moby - In This World (where I got the whole hola craze from Connie imitating the aliens. A bunch of aliens land on Earth but nobody cares. It's so sad it makes me cry, boohoo, not really.)
Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (Some guy's furniture moves really cooley around the room and he dances around. It's a lot nicer than I make it sound.)
Radiohead - Knives Out (It's super surreal. Some guy has a heart as a head and his girlfriend is operated on like that toy doctor board game thingy where an alarm buzzes if you take out the plastic heart incorrectly.)
Nine Inch Nails - Closer (Trent hangs out with a chicken heart and spinning people and crucified monkeys. He is super "pretty" and you can see the one-and-only Trent head with a bunch of fruit!)
KoRn - Freak on a Leash (A bullet goes through a cartoon and into real life, hitting all this stuff and making it explode - no blood)

Trent spinning in Closer

Guess what I just found! If you dislike Marilyn Manson and want to have fun (non-sickening this time), go here ! This place may give you a little deja vu. And I'd like to say that I do not agree with everything this person says (I'm not some Satan worshipper... yet.)
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