canon enquiry

Dec 13, 2009 01:49

Can anyone tell me whether it is canon or not that, prior to sailing to Central America in 1808, the Lydia first made a trip to Alexandria in 1807?

The Hornblower wikia says so but I can't for the life of me remember it in the books. Perhaps it's C. Northcote Parkinson canon? Do we accept C. Northcote 'I didn't tell the portrait painter to make Hornblower look anything like me at all, honest' Parkinson canon as canon? Or is it CSF canon from the Companion?

Not having all my books with me is annoying me, but I need to know for certain fannish/Christmassy reasons relatively soon, so any help much appreciated!

Anyway, it's exciting, as if so Hornblower will have no doubt participated in the disastrous Alexandria Expedition of 1807. The timing works - he set off on 12th March (according to wikia) and the Expedition got reinforcements on 17th. I actually have no idea if a ship could get from Woolwich to Alex in five days. I'll leave that to the people who actually know about ships. Anyway, we have a whole stretch of months to fill in there before we even get to hagface Barbara, Supremo, Coiba ...

Guess who's going to Alex on Thursday. *g*

[ETA] Blimey, sorry for spamming the fandom so much today. 8O

horatio hornblower, c. northcote parkinson, c. s. forester, alexandria, canon, hms lydia

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