It so happens that I am tired of being human.
It so happens that I go into tailorshops and movie theatres
wilted, impervious, like a felt swan
floating over a sea of origin and ash.
The smell of barbershops makes me cry my heart out.
I just want a rest from wool stones,
From establishments and gardens,
from wares, from spectacles, from escalators.
It happens that I tire of my feet and my nails
and my hair and my shadow.
It so happens that I am tired of being human.
Even so, it would be delicious
to frighten a notary with a cut lily
or kill a nun with a blow to the ear.
It would be beautiful to go through the streets with a green knife
and yell until I froze to death.
I don't want to go on being a root in the darkness,
wavering, stretched out, shivering from sleep,
downward, in the wet tripe of the earth,
absorbed and thinking, eating each day.
I don't want all these misfortunes for myself,
I don't want to go on as a root and a tomb,
alone underground, as a warehouse of corpses,
terrified, sorry for myself.
That's why Monday stings like gasoline,
when it sees me coming with my jail face,
and howls in its path like a blown tire,
and with steps of hot blood goes into the night.
And it leads me towards certain corners, to certain humid houses,
to hospitals where the bones come out the window,
to certain cobblers' that smell of vinegar,
to streets as frightening as cracks.
There are sulfur-colored birds and horrible entrails
hanging from the doors of houses that I hate,
there are forgetten dentures in a coffee pot,
there are mirrors
which should have cried from shame and shock,
there are umbrellas everywhere, and poison, and navels.
I stroll along with calm, with eyes, with shoes,
with fury, with forgetfulness,
I go on, passing offices and orthopedic shops,
and patios with clothes hung from a wire:
underwear, towels and shirts that cry
slow dirty tears.
Walking Around, Pablo Neruda
these are shitty days.
Outside my plum tree is strating to bloom, but everything else is gray. I want the sun to come and make me forget about these days.
some usless things :\\\
playing around with paint shop pro instead of studying physics :P
-----> ?
Lost 4x05 was pretty cool! and Daniel is way too cute :3