A long overdue update

Jun 22, 2021 19:10

I haven't wrote in this journal in 14 years, and I'm always surprised when someone likes one of my posts.  So, I thought perhaps I should give an update.   So, long time, no talk!   I remain cancer-free and have long bid adieu to my oncologist.  I think we were both a little emotional!  I'm healthy though, damn, getting old is a bitch.  There are things no one tells you about the getting old thing.  My fingers are now rather warped with arthritis.  It's a little unnerving, to be honest.  And it takes a lot of work to keep active.   We all survived the pandemic, all of us now vaccinated and returning to the wide, wide world.  Also, the baby grew up.  He's 14 years old.  A beautiful boy who looks like what they send you if call central casting and ask for a cute Italian teenager.

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