how today is a prize-winningly difficult day, i'm embarrassed to say

Oct 22, 2009 13:47

Does anyone else feel extremely guilty about feeling lonely? Like there are so many larger issues in the world than whether I look heavy in a pair of jeans, or whether my friends really care more about having me as someone to vent to than an actual friend, or wondering why finding a good relationship has been so difficult for me.

I don't know. I'm not poor. I'm not disadvantaged. I have two supportive, if nothing else, parents.

But I feel so very, very alone.

I just got passed over by a bunch of directing students for their auditions for directors' workshops. I've been the star of two main stage productions. This, while incredibly depressing, makes me smile. So I feel like shit. But I'm laughing. I just have to get out of this place eventually.

This is such a weird feeling. I'm simultaneously on the brink of tears and also sort of pathologically angry laughter. I dunno. I don't know.

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