school in general is getting a lot easier. haven't had much homework at all, and what little i do get i do during school. even if there is homework, everything is pretty basic. all this hub bub about ap classes being impossible seems to be nothing more than scare tactics. my haircut keeps getting delayed although i think it will definately be tomorrow.
just stepped outside to take a look at the moon, and it was pretty worthwhile.
saturday night i had a bad little run in with tequila. i was unaware of the infamous tequila delay, and had downed 8 shots before it dawned on me that i had kinda just screwed myself over. thirty minutes of fun followed by a good 10 minutes of throwing up i think... i dont remember. i might have passed out - all i remember is getting a ride home and then passing out on the bathroom floor again. lesson learned, but it wasn't that bad of an experience because all i can really remember is the good stuff. so, happy 18th to lindsay, jon, moody, jack and the list goes on and on. i guess this time of the month is a particularly popular one in which to have children! so, all in all things in life are going pretty well. i'm done with all my academic teams so i've got lunches free from now on, apart from the occasional thing. senior year gets better and better by the day - and as soon as the ap tests are over its gonna be an incredible amount of fun.