weird dreams

Nov 07, 2005 15:06

i don't remember how this dream started, but i'm with Joe...but he's not exactally joe, he's like some fucked up cross between joe and i dunno maybe gigs. Cause i know he's joe, bue he's wearing a big dark gray hoodie, he has the hood up, and he's got like long-ish shaggy hair thats totally in his face, and he seems like he's looming, but thats really because he has that slouch thing like tommy used to do, down. And we're in a grocery store, and its almost like we're being a couple for the first time, in the context that...normally if we ran into people at a grocery store the two of us everyone had been assuming we were just friends. SO we're walking around the grocery store, and we stop at the meat counter, and its Charley Demacus working behind it and he's like "heyyyy i haven't seen you two in forever *insert small talk* so Joe, got a special lady these days or what?" Joe squeezes me close, "actually yeah" Chaz "reeeeally wow, i would have never expected that, oh well, expect the unexpected" then he looks at me just to make sure joe's not fucking with his head, so i give a kiss to joe's shoulder.

then we leave the grocery store, and we realize that its time to go to school. So we find my mother in the parking lot, and she's driving like this metalic sky blue cross between a convertable new beatle, and the convertable audi TT. So joe hops in the back and i'm like "i assume its fine if we give him a ride to school?" my mom's like "yeah i assumed we would be". So we get to the school and its like just one really big brick building, and obviously a highschool. Very oldskool, the hallways remind me of the old mhs, very barebones, very broken down. But its not old mhs, its in this like 2 shape so there are only 2 hallways, and there are like 3 basement levels, and teh whole thing is probably 8 floors all together, or maybe it was 10 floors, with 2 of them being basement levels. And its obvious that i'm the new girl, joe turns to me and he's like "you know where all your classes are right?....ok i'll see you later" and takes off up the stairs. So i'm standing alone at the bottom of this staircase being like 'i don't even remember signing up for classes', i recognize no one, and its obvious that while no one recognizes me, they don't really notice me either. They just buzzy on past, everyone haveing somewhere to be. So i start wondering the hallways, just essentially walking through each and everyone. All the classes seems to be full, and all of them have teachers. I think to myself "how did i used to get by with having nothing to do, how did i used to skip classes and not get noticed". I start comming up with excuses just incase someone asks me something in the hallways like "oh, i don't really have anywhere to be, i have a free period now". But then i'm like 'wait, everyone thinks i'm supposed to be going here, maybe i should find the guidance room and see if i'm registered for classes or something'. So i keep wandering until i get to somewhere that looks like it could be the office, and walk in trying to look completely at home, and pick up a list that will tell me the classes that i could be taking. I find a brocure but its not raelly what i'm looking for, when i realize that "oh shit" this can't be the guidance office.

So i leave, and start walking just away, and then down the stairs. So i'm somewhere on a basement level, and i literally bump into this short, mid-60's woman with very short ginger hair. and she's like "GOODNESS, i've been looking everywhere for you, come with me, you have to pick all your classes, before the end of the day so you don't miss them all" Releif floods over me, ok, so i can still pick classes....this is the first day of school, it isn't the middle of a semester or anything, which i had no idea. So i go with her to the basement level office, and she hands me a piece of paper that apparently has my class schedule on it. she's like "here i picked this out for you, it seemed like a good start. If you don't like anything on it maybe we can switch it around a bit, you really do have until the end of the day tomarrow to adjust your class schedule" So i actually look down at the paper, and my classes study of the human body, english: anaylisis of philosophy through classic russian lit., sociology: ethics of globalization, the cultural divide, and debate: discussion of "the future". The first reaction is my vocalization of "there is no way i'm taking that art class, do i have any other choices, i'd rather not take any art at all bout a history class or something" But then i realize that all of the rest of my classes are badass, but still i'm adament about the art class. "i'm sorry says the guidance counclor but, you have to be enrolled in that art class, there is no way for me to get you out of it" my head wants to scream this is totally just like my old highschool all over again "but i don't even want to BE IN art" i say . "what do you mean you don't want to be in art, of course you do you're an art major...". " NO i've changed my mind, i beleive i want to study anthopology". "Hmmmm, well come back to me tomarrow with how you think you want to change your schedule and we'll talk about it, ok?" *AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* screams my head. "fine, i say, can i have a list of classes that are open", so she hands me a piece of paper. *bells toll in the background* "OOOOooooo, here is your chance to make a first impression....

So then i'm in what i assume to be the socilogy class, because its small, maybe 15- 20 people, and they're all relaxed having a discussion on some topic, some of them are stilling on top of the desks, some are spralled out, speaking passionately about something. timidly, i open the door "hi, i just transfered into this class" They all stop, and look at me like i have 3 heads for interupting whatever it was they were doing, then the bell rings again, and everyone suddenly snaps out of it, and starts getting up to leave. "thats class, everyone have a nice afternoon" says the person i presume is the teacher. Everyone is streaming out of the building out into the parking lot. So i follow the masses.

Out in the parking lot, i see my mother, and i follow her back to the car. Joe is already in the back seat. mom "joe said you guys were all going down to the warf this afternoon, do you mind if i drop you off at that light?" me, dazed *nod*

We get to this 'warf' and you can see the beach, and its sandy in some parts, rocky in others, pretty uneven, the sandy parts are fairly soft, and there's about 50 feet maybe of beach before you get to a concrete retaining wall, and right on top of that are various industrial looking structures. Sometimes there is a wooden walkway that runs along the buildings, sometimes the retaining wall you can just walk along kinda like an alley. Its not all that sunny, kinda just like a dull haze thats doing a decent job of blocking out the sun. But its fairly warm, in jeans and a t shirt i don't feel chilly at all.

We meet up with a bunch of 'joe's friends', there are like 3 of them, and i don't recognize them as being anyone i know. But they totally remind me of extranious manch. people, like, johnpaul, or, doug. Or somehow like some of liams friends, but not anyone i know specifically. And we're just walking along the beach, looking for a place to smoke some reefer, and i'm like "hey i'm not gunna smoke, can we stop and buy cigarettes?" Guy 1 "sure they're a spa just around the corner up here" sure enough we're walking along the retaining wall, and it opens into a walkway, and they're a corner store, open to the beach, just sitting there. When i walk in its the Little Red Store in marblehead by charter. And i ask for a pack of camel lights, like i always do, and the man tells me i have to buy some lemonheads, and that i have to pay with my debit card. So i get those, a mt. dew and a lighter, and go out to meet joe's friends that i don't know at all. and out of no where one of them is like "hey, she bought lemonheads, she's fucking cool, *nod of approval*"....i light up a cigarette, bum one to one of the guys, and we keep walking down the beach...

then the dream turns into another one, about buying cheesy fairy princess crowns, with 3 of my girls that i totally don't recognize at all, and riding in the back of jake's van, and going to an amusement park, (or maybe the beach) but we only get to the parking lot, and we discover that the crowns actually are magick, and they start glowing when we think of things, and while we're driving collin turns around from shotgun and yells at us for being so distracting cause we keep changing things in the car. like one of us wished she could lie down, and there was suddenly a bed in the back of the van, etc. and.....yeah..... thats when i woke up
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