potential symbol number one we already discussed but here it is to put it on the record

Oct 12, 2005 17:30

An arrow-like sign with an obtuse angle as "head" is a Nordic rune called the Tyr rune. Tyr was the god of law and order, but also the god of victory in early Germanic mythology. It was an often-used design for the decoration of swords as it was believed to bring luck in battle. This rune was also a symbol of loyalty to the chief.
According to the Anglo-Saxon tradition the same sign was called Tac and regarded as the rune of death. Law and order, sword and battle, victory or death, are all ancient Germanic associations with . This old runic structure has been used freely in Northern and Central Europe as a fascist symbol, and the Nazis liked it.


let the symbol searching begin!

::hits the ground running::
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