The Seventh Deadly - Part One

Jul 04, 2004 18:47

Hey everybody! Ew, I am really sick, I have strep, but I wanted to post this anyway. Thanks to Elaine for telling me how to post! This is my first Danlijah fic, but not my first slash. Well Im gunna go gulp tylenol! Bye!


The Seventh Deadly

Type: Fiction
Pairing: Daniel Radcliffe/Elijah Woods (HELLO LOOK AT ME **SLASH ALERT**)
Archive: Just email me
Disclaimer: Fiction would mean made up. Therefore, you could surmise that I do not actually know these people. That is, if you had any intelligence, whatsoever. 


“…I have lived six hundred years and I have seen the results of love. Pain and terror, conflagration and despair. Fate may be impartial and Justice blind, but Love hates mankind and knows well that the best way to make him suffer is to kiss him with her sickness."
- Rhysenn in Draco Veritas


Part One

A slow light rain fell, hitting the window in front of his face. He had been staring out this same window for, what was it? Hours? Days? Time was lost. The scenery flew by in a multicolored blur, towns turning into woods turning into towns. He didn’t know where he was, or where he was going. But he did know where he had been. And that place was keeping him silent, trapped inside his own mind, traveling cross country, into nowhere.
He was sure the bus driver knew who he was; he kept glancing in the rear view mirror at him, wondering. He was sure that a lot of people were wondering about him right now. Where he was, was he ok, why hadn’t he called? Mostly he didn’t have the answers or the energy to find them. He didn’t want to call his friends, to hear their silence that spoke legions to him. They would be glad that he wasn’t hurt. They would be glad to hear that he was safe. But, if you listened closely, you could hear deep in their voices a strain, a mixture of sympathy and disappointment. Their voices said only one thing to him: “Oh, Elijah. Why him?”

It started as innocently as any friendship. It had been as special day for Elijah, the premiere of the Two Towers. He stood on the red carpet in his suit, smiling and waving at the people who had showed up. All of this was normal; it was nothing he hadn’t done before. Elijah had gone to his own movie premiers before, but every time his stomach felt queasy. What if everyone filed into the theatre, the lights went down, and the movie was a disaster? What if everyone hated it? What if he hated it? He knew his nervousness was unfounded, Peter Jackson’s minions of editing people had done a fantastic job on the first movie, and Elijah knew that they would do the same for this one. And yet, he knew he wouldn’t be completely calm until the credits were rolling.

He felt a hand sling around his shoulder and a familiar scent of expensive cologne and cheap booze came to linger next to him. He looked into Orlando’s smiling face and couldn’t help but grin back. Orlando’s smile was a very infectious condition.

“Lij!,” Orlando said, pulling him into a hug and squeezing him so tight you would have thought they hadn’t seen each other in years, not just the night before. “Our movie is opening tonight!”

Elijah’s eyes grew wide in mock surprise. “No way!” he exclaimed with conviction, “When did that happen? Why didn’t somebody tell me? Damnit, I’m suing!” Orli’s face stretched out in a smile and he poked Elijah in the ribs.

“Come on over here, you prat, Dominic and Billy are searching this whole place for you. Dom is about to go stir crazy.” Orlando took Elijah’s Prada-clad arm and moved him along through the crowd. Elijah could feel the flash of cameras on his skin and his own name and Orlando’s being hollered by fans and reporters drowned out the possibility of having any sort of thoughts. He squinted his eyes and caught a flash of Viggo walking briskly away from Dominic, shaking his head good naturedly, and shouting, “Forget it, Dom! I’m not switching pants with you on the red carpet. Yours would never fit me!”

“Come on,” Dominic was whining, while Elijah burst out laughing, “At least give it a shot, Vig! Think of the publicity! Think of our arse’s being flashed all over the papers!” Elijah opened his mouth to shout to Dom that Vig’s arse in the papers would be fine, but nobody wanted to see that from Dominic, when his words were drowned out by a roar that went up from the crowd. If Orlando wasn’t standing right beside him, he would have guessed that it was Orli arriving, judging by the amount of screaming girls.

“Ack!” Orli said clapping his hands to his ears. “Who is getting out of that limo to cause such a noise?”

“Must be Brad Pitt,” Elijah replied, swinging around to check it out for himself. Immediately he knew it wasn’t Brad Pitt. It was given away by the person’s messy black hair and youthful demeanor. It was Harry Potter, in the flesh.

“Hey look!” Dominic said, coming to stand beside Elijah and Orlando. “It’s Harry Potter!”

“Dominic,” Orlando said patiently, as if trying to explain something to a three year old, “There is no such thing as Harry Potter. That is Dan-iel Rad-cliffe. He is an ac-tor. Do you know what an ac-tor is?” Dominic smirked and gave Orli a shot to the shoulder.

Elijah would have joined in their banter, but he was frozen to the spot. Suddenly, his friends, the crowd, the cameras, all got very quiet. All he could see was him. He watched him walk down the carpet, smiling and waving. All at once Elijah knew why Daniel was so popular, why girls of all ages flung themselves at him, almost as much as they flung themselves at Orlando. Daniel had IT. Whatever it is that makes a star suave and charming and appealing, Daniel had it. A fourteen year old with a swagger to his walk and eyes that could mark a person. For most people, it was sinful. For Elijah, it was deadly.

Elijah’s mouth parted slightly and he reminded himself to breathe. He froze in the motion, as Daniel turned his head and his eyes locked with Elijah's. Elijah felt a tingling on the back of his neck and he didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, a reporter jumped in front of him and snapped a picture of him. The flash startled Elijah and he blinked. In a matter of seconds, the moment was over, and all the noises and commotion came rushing back to him.

“Lijah…” Billy was jumping up and down beside him. “Are you ok man? You’ve been staring with your mouth hanging open for like, hours.” Elijah’s gaze swept over the mob to located Daniel, but he had lost him in the crowd. He turned to Billy, licked his lips, grabbed him to stop his jumping, and planted a huge kiss on Billy’s cheek.

“Ew!” Billy screamed like a girl, while Orlando and Dominic laughed. Elijah was hanging on for dear life, and Billy was struggling to get away. “Let me go, you pervert!” Elijah finally unhooked his face from Billy’s and smiled at him.

“Come on, old man,” he said, slinging his arm around his friends’ shoulders. “It’s about time for the movie to start. We better hurry if we want to get good seats. I just hope it doesn’t suck; I’ll be pissed if I paid $7 to see some nancy guys running around in stupid costumes.”

“Well, you should know, Lij, you’re the nanciest of us all.”

All thoughts of Daniel left Elijah as soon as the lights went down. He sat transfixed, watching himself, but not really the course of the movie. He was looking for other things, things non-cast member viewers wouldn’t know to look for. Small bloopers, places that he remembered having had been. During the course of the film, Sean Astin would poke him in the ribs with his elbow and nod at the screen and Elijah would nod back in a silent remembrance of some memory that they shared. The film went off without a hitch, and when the credits were scrolling and the lights were coming back on, Elijah sighed in relief. The movie was a success, as far as he could tell. Now the task of finishing filming for the third movie loomed in the near future, but Elijah was excited to be going back to New Zealand. He missed the closeness he shared with the cast, and the few months that he had off when he had been living by himself had seemed unusually lonely.

The cast and crew and assorted VIP guests were invited to an after party. It always amazed Elijah how there seemed to be an after party for everything. It was a time when the rich and famous got together, got sloshed, and schmoozed with each other about how successful they all are. They were predictable and tiring, and Elijah didn’t really want to go. But it was expected, so he was piled into a limo and motored off to the Plaza, where the party was being held in the penthouse.

As soon as he got in after shaking hands with a few people he knew, he bee lined for the bar and ordered a vodka stinger. The alcohol ran down his throat like liquid fire and his cheeks tinged pink. He felt ok about being at the party after a drink. He even felt ok enough to mingle. He grabbed another drink and began his rounds, speaking to one celebrity after another, thanking them for seeing his movie and hearing their praises of it. Elijah would never really know what the other actors thought of the movie until the tabloids came out because it was not kosher to criticize another’s work to their face. Behind their back was perfectly acceptable, however.

He was about to go up and have a chat with Robin Williams, when the hair stood up on the back of his neck. A hand fell lightly on his left shoulder and he didn’t even have to turn to see who it was. His presence was enigmatic.

“Elijah Wood,” came his voice, smooth and delicate. “I have wanted to meet you for a while.” Elijah turned to face him, and grinned.

“Nice to meet you Daniel,” Elijah said, surprisingly smooth himself, sticking out his hand to shake. “Glad you could make it to the movie.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t have missed it, I am a huge Tolkien fan,” Daniel said, shaking Elijah’s hand enthusiastically. “The scenery was fabulous, and you were brilliant.” Elijah chuckled.

“Well thank you very much. I am a big fan of your movies too,” Elijah said truthfully. He had seen the first movie three times, and read all the books. “Although, I have to admit, my favorite character was always Draco.” It was Daniel’s turn to chuckle.

“Yes, Tom is a lot of people’s favorites.”

“So, how is New York treating you? Been seeing the sights and such?”

“Not really, I only got in last night and I had a photo shoot this morning. Not much time, plus…”

He was cut off by a woman bustling up to him and calling his name.

“Daniel! Daniel, who is your friend?” the woman said smiling at Elijah. Daniel seemed frozen with horror at the interruption by who was obviously his mother, so Elijah took the initiative.

“Hi, I’m Elijah Wood,” Elijah said smiling back at the woman and holding out his hand to shake hers also.

“Well of course you are, dear,” Dan’s mom replied. “The movie was wonderful.”

“Thank you, thank you,” Elijah replied. “I was just hearing about how Daniel hasn’t had any time to explore our great city here. That’s quite a shame, it’s a unique place.”

“Oh well, I wouldn’t let him wander around on his own, and he wont take his bodyguard along, stubborn as a mule that one,” Dan’s mom chattered. Daniel let out a squeak and his cheeks turned crimson.

“Mom,” he muttered out the side of his mouth.

“Its ok, I understand perfectly,” Elijah told him. “In fact,” he heard the words coming out of his mouth, “I would be happy to show him around if that is ok with you, Mrs. Radcliffe.” He had no idea what had pushed him to say that, but he knew that he liked Dan’s presence.

“Well that would be sweet of you, Elijah! Want to go hang out with Elijah, Dan?” his mom asked him, continuing to act like he was four.

Elijah looked at Dan for conformation, and forgot to breathe again. Daniel was starting intensely at him, his eyes burned into Elijah’s and Dan licked his lips. And nodded.

“Well, that’s wonderful. We are going to have to be going soon, but here is the number of our hotel,” Daniel’s mother wrote it down on a scrap of paper, “and you can call us tomorrow and maybe you two can meet up.”

Elijah coughed and took the number from Dan’s mother and stuck it in his pocket.

“I’ll call tomorrow, then?”

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