those eyes part IV

Apr 15, 2004 23:38

Ok, finally! The next part has arrived. This whole part was only supposed to be three paragraphs, but it turned into about three pages instead. But you get to see a slightly naughty/evil side of daniel. *sighs* He's such a tease. Oh, and before someone is forced to ask, Delectatio, the name of the shop, is latin for treats.

Title: Those Eyes part IV
Author: Draculadeeda
Pairing: Danlijah
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Elijah picks up Daniel from the airport, and they go to a candy store
Disclaimer: Do not operate heavy machinery after viewing. I mean, I don't own anything but the name of the shop. I'm making no money off of this, which is a shame.

He leaned against the back of his car. He gave off a certain air that said, I am cool. Arms crossed, sunglasses on, slightly smug grin. Yes, Elijah was cool, and he knew it. He had that annoying habit of staring at his watch every few seconds, popping his elbow out and raising his arm to eye level. Daniel was almost an hour late. Not that he could really say anything. He made it to the airport half an hour late himself, so if you think about it, Daniel, in turn, was only fifteen minutes late. He had expected Danny to be waiting patiently right about where he was standing, but he wasn’t. Nor had the luggage assistant seen him. I think someone would have noticed if Harry Potter had gone by.

Without having any other choice, he waited. Waited. He took to drumming against his arms in rhythm with the planes landing and taking off. The beat reminded him of some industrial rock song. Roar, tap, tap, tap, whoosh, tap, tap, screech. Ok, so it wasn’t exactly catchy, but it was something to do. It was, in fact, the only thing to do in an airport loading zone. It may have even been amusing if you had been a 13 year-old boy. A thirteen-year-old boy who was now an entire hour late!

He was about to go recheck the flight number and arrival time when he saw him. Danny. He was staring at the revolving glass door as if he had never seen one before. He clutched a rolling suitcase with one hand, and had a duffel bag, slung over his shoulder, steadied by the other. He wasn’t even able to push the door open. It wasn’t that Elijah didn’t have manners, it’s just that he would much rather sit and watch Danny try to open the door himself that to go help him. And it would prove to be amusing.

At first he tried pushing the door with his shoulders, but the duffel bag got in the way. Then he tried kicking it, but that only resulted in a stubbed toe. He became frustrated, and as a last resort, he ran backwards at full speed, leading with his butt.

His backside thumped against the glass, and the door opened just wide enough for him to fall back and slide out of it. He lay sprawled across the pavement with luggage strewn about. Elijah shifted uncomfortably as he looked down at him. Daniel had broken into a light sweat that beaded on his forehead, and his face was flushed. His hair was also appealingly rumpled, and he was slightly out of breath. He wasn’t at all embarrassed, just a bit frustrated. If not for the setting of the airport, Daniel would have looked like he just rolled out of bed. Yes, that sort of bed.

Daniel stared up at him for a while before asking, “A little help?” Elijah nodded, and pulled him up off the ground. “It’s good to see you again. Why are you so late?”

“Well,” started Daniel as he dusted himself off and picked up his suitcase, “My flight was delayed for a bit. They’d overbooked, so we had to wait around while they sorted things out. Then when I got here, I had to look for a phone because my mum asked me to call as soon as I landed. You’re not upset, are you?”

“No, as a matter of fact, I was a little late myself, so, no worries.” Elijah had picked up the duffel bag and threw it over his shoulder the way he had seen Daniel do it.

The two of them walked to the car, and Daniel went around to stand by the trunk. He waited for Elijah to come open it, but instead, Elijah threw his bag into the backseat, slightly marring the burgundy, leather interior. “Hang on, aren’t you going to open the trunk?”

“What? Oh, no. I’ve got stuff back there. Camping gear. Going with some buddies to Canada after this weekend’s over with.”

“Camping? Hm, I’ve never been, but I don’t think I’d like it very much. Too many bugs, no toilet. That’s really not my idea of fun.”

“I like it. The fresh air can do you good. That, and it’s nice to get away from it all. Just put that suitcase with the other one and hop in.”

Daniel walked around to the driver’s side and almost got in before he reminded himself, “Oh, yeah. America. Right. My seat’s on the other side.”

Gesturing toward the door, Elijah let out a small laugh. “Hey, go ahead and drive! Less work for me!” He laughed again, but stopped when he saw a horror struck look on Daniel’s face. “Wow, you’ve never even been behind the wheel, have you?” Daniel shook his head. “Well, maybe I’ll have to teach you sometime. But for now, I guess I’ll be the one to drive.”

They had just driven into the main part of town when Elijah noticed Daniel rubbing at his stomach with a slightly pained expression. “Hey, Danny, when was the last time you ate?”

He thought for a moment before responding, “Last night. I didn’t have time for breakfast, and I wasn’t hungry at lunch.”

“Well, do you wanna stop and get something to eat? We just passed a McDonald’s. I can turn around.”

“No, I don’t want regular food. Hey, can we stop there?” he asked pointing at a brightly coloured sign with lollipops on it.

“Delectatio? Sweets? You’ve gone without two meals and you want sugar? Ok, if you insist.” He pulled up to the curb and Daniel got out before he could even turn off the engine.

The whole place was enchanting. It was made to look like a ‘50s malt shop, and it oozed nostalgia right down to the glittery, red vinyl seats and checkerboard flooring. It was every child’s dream and every adult’s memory.

“Wow,” Daniel exclaimed running his fingers over the marble counter, “Very vintage. I like that.” His eyes began to glaze over as badly as the hot fudge he was picturing in his mind.

A kind faced old woman emerged from the back room. “Hi, darlin’! What can I get for you?”

“Oh, um, I don’t know. Um, do you have the ice cream with the chocolate and vanilla all twisted together in a cone?” He made swirling motions with his fingers. Elijah watched from behind a rack of imported chocolates and took note of how expressive he was. He thought it was cute.

“You mean the soft-serve? Course we have that! Couldn’t have a shop without that, now could we? It‘ll just be a second.”

He hoisted himself onto a stool and waited, then turned to see if anyone was looking. And with a mischievous grin, he grabbed onto the bottom of the seat and began to spin himself. Faster. Faster. The entire room was a swirl of bright colours mixed together. Red, blue, orange, pink, yellow. Blue. Blue. It was those eyes again. The sunlight shone in from the window giving them a subtle glitter. The same glitter he’d seen in those eyes at the photo shoot. He stopped himself so quickly that he almost tipped out of the chair. He looked down until the room stopped spinning.

The woman had come back with the ice cream. “You ok, hun? Not too dizzy, are you?”

He stared up at Elijah who was showing a flashing, white grin. “Yes. I mean, no. I’m fine. Um, how much will it be?”

“Oh, that’s ok, sweetpea. You just enjoy it, all right? Take care, now!”

He jumped down off the seat and made his way toward Elijah. He still felt a bit dizzy, but he was sure it wasn’t from the spinning. Elijah was standing at the register with stray bits of candy in a bag. He didn’t really know what he was in the mood for, so he got a little of everything. Daniel watched as Elijah turned the bag over in his hands. He looked at his selection as if he‘d picked out fine jewels. The frosty cellophane bag couldn’t even begin to dull their vivid color and shine. He held the bag up and watched the colorful light stream through like stained glass. It was glorious. How often did he stare at something like it was the most precious thing in the world? Rarely, Daniel hoped.

They climbed into the car again, and Elijah began to carefully untie his precious bundle. He picked up a small lemon drop and put it in his mouth. With his head tilted back, he sighed. He hadn’t had one in so long. He turned the candy over and over on his tongue, examining the slick and slightly powdered texture. They were more sour than he remembered them. It made him bite his lip, and he closed his eyes. He rolled his head from side to side trying to shake it off, and whispered, “God…”

It was almost a bit too much for Danny to take. Why do I have to go through this? Seeing Elijah, with the lips and the eyes. Rolling the candy over his tongue. That whisper. Why? He’s driving me mad, and he doesn’t even know it! Fine, you wanna play, Elijah? Let’s play. I can torture you just as badly as you can me.

He ran his tongue over his ice cream cone in agonizingly long and slow licks. And after a few licks, he stopped to run his tongue over his lips to get any ice cream he may have let gather. After a while, he’d caught Elijah’s attention. It was hard keeping one eye on the road and the other on Daniel, but he couldn’t tear himself away.

God, look at him. That’s just not right. Why is he doing that? Where did he learn how to do that? Damn, do I even want to know? Is he even old enough to be doing what I think he’s doing? How can someone so young use his tongue like that? That hot, little pink tongue. And those lips. Those sticky, sweet lips. God, I’d love to lick those lips for him. I bet he tastes of vanilla even without the ice cream. I bet he tastes like that all over. Wait, what are you thinking? Damn, I’ve been staring too long.

Daniel looks at Elijah with glassy, blue eyes, and with just the tiniest hint of seduction in his voice asks, “Is there something you wanted?”
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