those eyes part III

Mar 29, 2004 21:29

Ok, I'm back with yet another installment to "Those Eyes." And yes boys and girls, the juicy stuff has decided to surface in this one. Not hardcore yet, but it's still more than the fuzzy bunnies of previous chapters. And it has a dream sequence! C'mon, who doesn't love those? Anyway, I won't keep you waiting any longer...

Title: Those Eyes part III
Author: Draculadeeda
Pairing: Dan/Elijah
Rating: PG-13, maybe soft R
Summary: Another phone call, and Danny has a dream
Disclaimer: And again, I do not know nor own Daniel or Elijah, and everything is a figment of my imagination.

Daniel couldn’t believe that his mother was actually letting him go, and alone. He had been so excited that as soon as she’d said yes, he began to run around the house trying to collect his things for the trip. He grabbed his ipod, something his mother only recently let him buy despite how much money he was making now, to keep himself entertained in case there were lulls in the conversation amongst whoever else was going to be with them. And of course, he’d need clothes, so he made his way upstairs to go through his closet.

You’d think, being the famous Harry Potter and all, that he would have so much clothing he’d need an extra closet. Sure tons of designers sent him their things to wear to premieres, but his mother rarely ever let him wear them, let alone keep them. But alas, Daniel’s solitary closet wasn’t even completely full. In fact, most of the space had been taken up by fan mail that he just couldn’t bear to throw away. But nonetheless, he kept it very organized. All the t-shirts hung on one side, the jeans next to those, and then finally his special occasion clothes. And all of his organization had gone to waste in about five minutes. He had torn through everything and found, well, nothing.

He threw himself onto his bed, and sounding rather like a girl, shouted, “I’ve got nothing to wear!” He forced him to get up once again to go through the piles he’d left on the floor, and sighed, “Nothing. It’s hopeless.”

He lied on his bed for a few minutes half-heartedly trying to smother himself with a pillow before deciding to call Elijah. It was probably still early morning in L.A., but Daniel he was sure he’d given Elijah enough time to get a decent night’s sleep after his little interruption earlier.

In a somewhat refreshed voice, Elijah answered, “Hello?”

“Hey,” Daniel chimed, “It’s me again.”

“Oh, hey! So, how’d it go with your mom? She letting you come?”

“Yeah, she is, and she’s actually letting me go alone this time,” he said with enthusiasm that only comes across as genuine with a child. But the enthusiasm waned, “But there’s a problem. I haven’t got anything to wear.”

“Well, we can go shopping once we both get to New York. There are a few good department stores around the airport we can go to. And hey, it’ll be fun. Danny and ‘Lijah shopping spree!”

“Isn’t everyone else going shopping with us?”

“Everyone else who? Oh, right. Yeah, I called around; no one else I know is going, so it’ll just be the two of us. Is that ok?”

Daniel felt that familiar thud in his heart. Alone, with Elijah, in a car for hours. Hours. With Elijah. “Uh, yeah, that’s… that’s great.” His mouth had suddenly become dry.

“Listen, I have some stuff to take care of today, but I’ll call you tomorrow so we can see when each other’s flight gets there and what not. I’ll see you in a few days, alright?”

“Uh, yeah. Sure. Few days. See you then.”

He lie awake that night just staring at the ceiling as if it were going to move or fall down on him. He would be spending the whole weekend alone with Elijah. Ok, so maybe not the whole weekend, but a good chunk of it nonetheless. He wasn’t even sure he would be able to handle it. What would they do? What would they talk about? How would he relate to someone who was nearly a decade older than he was? How would he act when they were truly, truly alone? What would he do if…

Daniel sat with a death grip on the steering wheel. He had never done this before, and it was frightening. He was only mildly aware of what he was supposed to be doing. He squirmed in his seat and looked around helplessly.

“Danny, it’s ok, you can calm down. It’s not that hard. I’m going to talk you through this, alright?” Elijah only paused slightly for a nod before taking Daniel’s hand and placing it on the gearshift. He guided it down past the first few letters and landed on D, “See, now you’ve got it in drive. Now, I know back in jolly, old England they drive on the other side of the street, not to mention the other side of the car, but since this is a private road, and there’s only one lane, there shouldn’t be any problems. Now I want you to lightly step on the gas and ease onto the road. That’s it; you’re doing just fine. Try not to move the steering wheel as much; you’re swerving a bit. Now, Danny, you don’t have to go this slowly. Both you and I know that you want to take it a little faster than this. Don’t be afraid, just let go…”

Daniel could feel the cool breeze through his hair and on his face. He had even closed his eyes momentarily before Elijah reminded him that he was driving. It was all so relaxing. He had never felt more free in his life. Daniel was actually doing it. He was driving. At that moment, he was sure that every cloud in the sky was smiling down at him.

And somehow, Elijah’s hand had found its way to the back of his neck, and it stroked the short, soft hairs there, and he whispered, “Go faster, Danny, faster.” Elijah’s other hand came to rest on his stomach and was slowly inching its way down, “C’mon, Danny, faster. You can do it! FASTER!”

And all the while, Daniel kept his eyes on the road. He was only just barely aware of the teeth he was feeling nibbling on his ear, the hand down the front of his pants, and the soft, heated whispers of, “Yes, Danny, go faster…”

His hands had left the steering wheel long ago, and the car was spinning out of control. But he wasn’t even aware of it because his head was spinning even faster. He was lost, and the feeling he had was so much better than the driving. And once he even thought he’d heard his own voice mutter, “Faster…”

Daniel awoke and sat up abruptly, sweat dripping down his face. His heart was racing, and the boxers that he slept in were in desperate need of a change.

He held his head hopelessly in his hands, “I’ll be lucky to make it through this weekend alive.”
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