(no subject)

Jul 07, 2003 12:57

Its my birthday, so I give you danlijah smutness :D Enjoy!

title: The Circle, part 1.
pairing: Daniel radcliffe/ELijah Wood
rating: G - NC-17
a/n: This is an AU mind fuck. It's two timelines that sorta cross over, and the beginning only makes sense at the end...i think. Um...Daniel in his second year of high school, Elijah is in his last year. It makes sense in my head!

When the bus rattled to a stop, Elijah realised that he had absolutely no idea where he was.

Clutching his school bag in one hand, he jumped off the bottom step of the bus's thin stairwell and onto cracked concrete paving. The dull sun was riding low in the late October sky and a cluster of seagulls were screeching overhead, signaling a coming storm. A swathe of maroon caught Elijah's eye as it bobbed up and down, moving away from him.

The bus groaned and shuddered dramatically before rattling away down the road, turning a tight corner, and vanishing from sight completely.

For a moment, Elijah just stood staring at the empty space where the bus had been. Something in his head was throbbing and a voice was nagging impatiently at him; how the hell was he going to get home?


In Daniels previous yearbook, the portraits of several people had been carefully cut out with a craft knife. He kept these images in a small wooden box beneath his bed, hidden from the rest of the world, along with a collection of folded squares of white paper. On a few pages of the same yearbook, a five foot something boy with messy brown hair and blue eyes had been circled numerous times with thick black marker; blotches of red smudged around him from where angry hands had smothered smiling faces with red marker. Daniel often sat cross legged on his bed with the year book resting on his knees, staring at the photographs, eyes unfocussed; he had memorised every single picture.

Sometimes, Daniel would take the cutout's from the box and arrange them on the floor. Some were his friends, some teachers he liked; there was one of the brown haired boy. He would have put every picture of the brown haired boy into the box, but he was petrified the knife would slip when he cut around his form and mar the perfect image.


Elijah had never been to this end of the city before. When he saw the children on their rickety bikes playing tag in the center of the road, he felt entirely out of place.

The wind was whistling loudly through the gaps between the tiny neighbourhood houses, disturbing pieces of discarded paper and addressed envelopes which had gone astray. The emerald eyes and black satin fur of a cat glinted at him from beneath some tangled shrubbery in an overgrown front yard that had no fence.

Tugging his blazer tighter around him, Elijah shivered. The wind was bitter here and stung like needles as it pricked against his skin. Water leaked from his eyes and his hair flew in a hundred different directions all at once.

The hazy maroon shadow rounded a corner and Elijah quickened his pace.


Everyone from Daniel's primary school had gone to a public high school; Daniel's mother insisted he get a private education. When Daniel began high school he had no friends. That was soon remedied when a strange looking boy, with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes, spilled Iodine all over Daniels scribbled notes in the science lab. The boy whispered "shit" and "sorry" repeatedly, while he dragged a yellow sponge back and forth across the table; he then offered to let Daniel copy his notes.

The boys picture was the first to be put in Daniels wooden box when he received his yearbook at the end of the first year. He often found himself singling out this particular image and realising how familiar the boys face had become. At first, the boy had looked odd to Daniel, perhaps even ugly. Now his friend seemed beautiful to him and just looking at a small photo made Daniel feel light headed. Others joined his strange, beautiful friend inside the box, but no one captured Daniels attention in quite the same way.

No one but Elijah.


The wind was burning Elijah's skin and the skies were so dark he thought they were about ready to crack open and drench him completely. In the distance thunder boomed; somewhere a garbage can tipped over and rolled across the pavement, spilling it's rank contents all over the bumpy concrete.

Puffing, Elijah rounded the next corner and collided with a blur of maroon. The warm ring of Daniel's laughter cut sharply through the sound of thunder overhead.

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