Blog Ended.?

Jul 18, 2011 15:22

I finally accomplished another lineage related goal. I went back to the very first post I ever created on this blog and just started reading. I read every single post I ever made from october 2004 until now, all 778 posts. I read all the comments and everything. I didn't however check out any of the links or that would have taken even much longer. Will this be my final post? I don't know. With things like facebook now It's much more effective to keep up a journal of your life and to talk to your friends and it kinda makes blogs extinct. If I do create anymore posts on here it will only be lineage related. Who knows maybe I can start up my own private server some day ;)
Reading my blog brought back obviously a lot of old memories. None really bad they were all good. Seeing some of the old faces really gave me a double take and say omg I remember him/her! The drops that were considered 'good' back then gave me a good laugh. How you would be happy over a nzel or a 5% ring or some toi scrolls haha.
You guys always had a lot of great and hilarious comments for me over the years and I cannot believe how stupid and funny my own humor was on some of the post titles. Specially when it came down to the tips, songs, etc that I use to do. Some of them were wow I actually said that? There was quite a few people who would just comment nothing but trash though, which was extremely rude and uncalled for and reason why I've had my comments in freeze mode all the time. I did turn that feature back off now btw.
Looking at some of the pics from waaaaay back from before I even started my blog and seeing the number of people that use to play was incredible! Believe it or not Ken use to get about 500 users before LOA server came along. The hunting areas back then were commical. Ye ol orc days ftw! Or pledge hunting the desert cause everyone was a damn newb! Seeing a lot of the pics in my blog It was funny to see how newb all of us were being under level 50.
I noticed my spelling has improved immensely over the years. I know its still horrible and has a long ways to go yet and you can probably find at least 10 misspelled words alone in this post lol. There was a lot of tear jerking moments re-living the past like that. Especially seeing names like elvorith who tragically died only a few months ago. I guess a lot of those old faces are married and have kids now from what little birdies have told me. Overall I would have to say that reading my entire blog and lineage in-itself as a whole was a huge waste of time. I can only imagine how many other and better things I could have done with my life! Then again reading a lot of those real life posts made me realize I really am or was a bad alcoholic and a pervert I need to work on those things O.o
Last but maybe not least year to year I would have to say 05 is when lineage stopped being fun and turned into a grind fest and no one group hunted anymore. 06 Seems like when the bot invasion started and that really destroyed the game. 07-08 Seemed like my glory years. I was on top of the game in every catergory it seemed, level, money, items, etc. I guess I always was a hero and a beast all the time though and not just those 2 specific years ;) 09 you can tell I almost had an insight for the guaranteed future. I saw then how there was no point to keep playing, how lin was dead, how we really had nothing to gain from it and how it would have to end eventually.
I think there is hope for us all in the future. If I was able to accomplish all those dreams and goals that I set out for and worked hard with determination on a video game, what is to stop me from doing the same in real life? I have a bucket list which I have already completed 25% of it. So there is proof that anything is possible with perserverance.

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