Trope on a Dope

May 12, 2011 17:26

Kyle linked me to TV Tropes: and we have been ROFLing every since, because we KNOW THESE PEOPLE. Anyway, we decided to write some of our own.


This troper was picked on a lot in high school for being 'weird' and 'smelly' and 'fat', but really I was just super smart and super creative and waaaaay ahead of the fashion trend curve (I was wearing big sunglasses in, like, '02, seriously) and people just could not handle how in-your-face and full of life-energy I was. Anyway, this one time I was eating some Ding-Dongs on a bench by the cafeteria and this one blonde bimbo chick came up to me and said I I should wash my hair more often (excuse me, the eczema shampoo made my hair oily, so what? At least I didn't have a fake tan) and then said she wasn't trying to be rude but I had chocolate all over my chin.

So, I called a storm. Yep, tropers, you read that right. I concentrated really hard and I drew on the energies of the sky and pulled some clouds down right over the school. Swear to God, two minutes later and it was raining puppies and kittens (squee! see? I can't help my adorable nature!) And the blonde got totally soaking wet and her jock boyfriend had to run over with an umbrella and I just sorta looked all innocent. Hahaha. She never picked on me again that month.
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