People see hate in your eyes. You feel like there
is no good in the world. There's no one and
nothing that is worth your time anymore aside
from maybe causing pain to the unworthy people
around you. You hate all life and probably just
wish it would die or that you could kill it
yourself. You probably don't have many good
friends, and the friends you do have are most
likely sticking to a very old and accurate
saying. "Keep your friends close but your
enemies closer." Sooner or later your
hatred of the world will be your own undoing
because it turns everyone against you. So good
luck and watch your step.
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by
Quizilla You fight with passion. You dont go around picking
fights. But when you do fight you tend to win.
You tend to let out your bottled emotions when
you fight. That is your secrect to success.
Your Weapon: Your body
How do you fight? brought to you by
Quizilla You kill for revenge.
That is because you have lost something or
someone you held very dear. Now you can't seem
to get over the loss that marked your soul, and
the only solution is to go after the one person
who brought all this pain to you. Chances are
you are angry inside and you bottle everything
up and don't talk to anyone about it. People
may want to help, but you think that they can
never understand your pain and only get
frustrated because of this. But it is important
to see all that you have left and be thankful
of that even if you have lost something great.
It may not be true that Times heals all wounds,
but with time and talking about your feelings,
maybe the hurt will ease.
Main weapon: Yourself
Quote: "You can close your eyes to
reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J.
Facial expression: Gritted teeth and
teary eyes
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by
Quizilla Angelic Evil
What type of evil being are you inside? brought to you by
Quizilla BLACK
??Which colour of Death is yours?? brought to you by
Quizilla Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot
temper and you can be warm and loving as well
and angry and wild. It all really comes down to
what you are feeling. You have a lot of close
friends who you are very protective over, and
with your temper probably some enemies too. You
are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are
your own person and don't want to be forced
into behaving this or that way. You are the
untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone
wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied
down for the moment and just keep going with
your little crushes. Your will is strong and if
you set your mind to do something, you will
most likely succeed. But beware, your friends
may not always accept your mood-swinging
behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean,
they can still feel hurt. You just need to
start thinking some things through before you
do them, and not always jump in with so much
courage. One day you may be hurt because of
that, but then again, your element isn't fire
if you start to analyse situations before you
act. After all, your nature is to shoot first
and ask the questions later. Rate and message!
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres] brought to you by
Quizilla Your word is: Sad. You wanted to give yourself to
someone. But they didn't accept you. Being
rejected, whether it be from family, friends,
love-interests or peers, is a very hurtful
thing to go through. It is also likely that you
have been betrayed several times before, which
is why you keep away from everyone now. You
learned the hard way to never trust people and
your defence-mechanism is now to isolate
yourself. Yet you yearn for people who will
understand and like you, to have the thing you
never had: love.
What Dark Word Represents You? [anime pics] brought to you by
Quizilla Your connection with darkness is through
self-harming. Life has hurt you so badly and it
feels like it always will. Of course, you just
want to get rid of it and has found out that
cutting releases your pain and tension. After
all, now it's you who decides to inflict pain,
not someone else. Perhaps you even feel guilty
afterwards when you've "come to your
senses". Due to this you tend to wear
long-sleeved shirts, if it's the wrists your
cutting. You fear your scars will be seen and
often keep away from people physiclly. Some
cutters just want to get caught doing it, to be
saved and for someone to care for them and
understand. While others may do it just because
there is too many problems they have to deal
with, and inflicting harm upon themselves seems
to be a good way out. This is the point where
I'm supposed to say that you should talk to
someone. The thing is though, I know as well as
you, it's hard seeking help. But it's still
highly recommended that you stop harming
What is your connection with darkness? [pics] brought to you by