The end of an era.

Jan 05, 2015 10:58

At 0634 today, we lost our very last bunny :(  Poppy had been getting fed on and off for just over a year, had had different illnesses and operations but still bounced back bright eyed and bushy tailed, and she never lost her fight, until this morning.
She fell asleep in my arms, cuddled next to my heart and I am so glad that she chose to go that way.
At the moment we don't know what to do with ourselves and haven't quite taken it in - it's far too early for that.
The Hairy Mob now consist of a cat and 2 dogs - is it right to continue calling them the Hairy Mob?
Will speak again when I've realised that this is true :(
I love you Poppy - I love you all my bunnies, each and every one of you.
Jay and John :(
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