Jul 14, 2008 21:34

UGH is the only way to describe my feelings toward a certain meal at the moment. UGH because I've been lied to. Okay, not lied to, but I have broken a promise, a very, very important promise to my life. This probably makes no sense to you whatsoever, so I'll start from the beginning.

In the second grade, I was given a pet fish for Christmas. I named him Henry, and I loved him. I think I was a fairly good owner--I forgot to feed him a few many times, but I kept my cat from eating him, and I talked to him a lot. Who knows what I said, but still, it was meaningful. Sadly, Henry died that same year, and I know it was a slow, painful death. I'm not trying to be melodramatic (I was built that way) but one of his gills closed up and near the end, he didn't bother when we put food in his bowl. It was heartbreaking, watching my fishy die. So, I made a promise to Henry that I would never eat fish again, purposely. I say purposely because McDonald's wasn't 100% white meat then, who knows what I ate.

True, I was a little girl then, but I like to be true to my word. I have a pretty good long-term memory (my short-term memory seriously sucks at times), so I remember the day I made the promise. Besides, I HATE the smell of fish; it's just gross! Anyway, my mom and I get home from the grocery store, and we're putting everything away. I'm handing her peanut butter when I look into the freezer and see one of my Lean Cuisine meals. On the box, it says CONTAINS: ....PERCH....TALAPIA....  I stopped breathing! I know, it's childish, but... he was my pet. Our dog was my sister's originally, and our cat was my mom's originally. It's like being a vegetarian and eating meat, at least to me. It's not a hugely big deal, but it upsets me a little. I'm still not going to eat fish though. *pouts*

Other than that, it was a fairly good day. We went to the doctor's office today so I could get my physical to go back to school. I'm healthy and 5'2'' and a quarter. My doc says I'll make it to 5'4'', and I hope he's right! I saw The Blair Witch Project on Showtime today. Rather disappointing to my high expectations. I thought I'd be freaked out, but really, I'm not. Some scenes were suspenseful, but they didn't end in any REAL danger except the last scene of the entire movie. I don't know. Maybe I'm getting old. I have seen a lot of scary movies, but still... Anyone want to share their thoughts?

Now that Breaking Dawn's release is getting closer and closer, I'm finally including this small tidbit. For the release party here, I'm going as Rosalie! Wahoo! I'm going to take pictures and post them, so you can comment on my outfit. If only I looked more like a sexy vampire! I could probably pass for the veggie vamp part. I stay up so late that I should have some pretty awesome circles under my eyes! But the sexy... no. No. We're going to curl my hair, make it awesome. Ooo, and I'm going to get contacts to change my eye color! Yay! I want to wear them to school, see if anyone notices the difference. They probably wouldn't, but that would make me laugh. It proves many points that I've made. *insert Edward smirk here*

So... my mom ordered Rock Band, and it should be coming in tomorrow. I want to take some pictures, post them so you can see my rockstar-ism! From what I've heard, tomorrow should also be an EXTREMELY awesome twilight tuesday. We can only hope! No offense to the band, but I didn't really care for The Bella Cullen Project. If I sang about Edward being a sexy vampire, I think our school counselor would have me expelled. Seriously.

Well, I'm off to read the Host or knit, or... watch Gossip Girl. I love that show. I actually made my mom watch it with me today. I love her. She accepts my dr. pepper addicted, Twilight loving, Gossip Girl watching self. :]

Hugs to you all, because hugs are nice!

Ooo, I can't wait for the Breaking Dawn quote tonight! *squee*

random, uh.....

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