Aug 14, 2010 10:19
Oh man I never did finish updating about anime expo, I SWEAR I'M ALIVE, YOU GUYS.
ok, anime expo.... I bought.... stuff. And Gurren Lagann happened! I talked to konishi like a stalker.
OK but on to more important things
I STARTED THE NUZLOCKE CHALLENGE a few days ago. aw yeah.
I'm playing in pokemon sapphire and I have 2 badges so far and I have yet to lose any of my pokes.
My current team is:
Kamina- Marshtomp lv19
Simon- Lombre lv16
Rossiu- Wingull lv16
Laggan- Whismur lv11
Leeron- Aron lv12
Kittan- Electrike lv13
and in my pc box i have:
Old coco- zigzagoon lv3
Yoko- zigzagoon lv7
Nia- Beautifly lv10
Gurren- Makuhita lv8