This reminds me of that scene in Pulp Fiction....

Dec 22, 2007 06:23

Well, I got bored of my WoW heroin and decided to try something else.  This is done fully recognizing that WoW is E-Z mode as far as mmorpgs go.

Dark Age of Camelot --  Definitely showing its age after being released in 2001.  It definitely takes a lead from the old school D&D days.  It's actually hilarious how bad the graphics are, but you can see why it had a following pre- Wow (which has basically owned everything since it was released in November 2004).

Vanguard -- New and groovy, but one problem -- it's so graphics heavy that the run of the mill computer wouldn't be able to run it.  The reqs call for at least a 3 gig processor and 2 to 4 gigs of ram along with a 512 mb video card.  I know a few people who can ramp up their hard drives and RAM to run on raid and externals so there isn't any down time, but on my wee laptop, that isn't going to work.  I wanted to see what it looked like at highest I set it to max.

It is the most beautiful game I've ever played.  But then I moved on my touchpad by accident and Blue-Screen-O-Death'ed.

I've also tried a few quests on a few races and haven't liked it.  First I rolled a half elf bard.  I liked it better when I was an agent of an evil empire -- once I went good, I became a pansy, like Cecil in FFIV.  Then I rolled a human to tag along with my friend.  Fuck that, humans suck and are boring, ALWAYS.  I play one in real life; there's no need for me to reroll.  I'll try a high elf next on my ten-day free jaunt.  I bummed the code off Shane, so he's stuck with it.  Maybe if I found the right race and maybe if I found the right computer, I might dig this more...but I fully recognize that I'm not hard-core or even a half-assed D&D player.

Guild Wars -- Hmm.  This has promise.  I really like the way things work in regard to salvaging -- it's what WoW should be doing instead of just selling stuff that can't be disenchanted.  Need a group?  no worries, just hire an NPC henchman.  That makes absolute sense.  This is the one that's appealed to me the most so far.  Only problem is that it lacks in diversity race and classwise.  Humans only, 6 six classes (no rogue class!! ;_;)   ....but I really do love the dual classes.  I'm a Illusionist Necromancer.

Ok, amusing story.  So I'm down in the Catacombs as a wee Level 2.  Basically, it's a big undead mini zone.  Big boss at the end is a whopping level 5.  Yeah, I'm going to die. However, I've decided to pick up Necromancy as my secondary class.  And I just killed a bunch of stuff.....and I'm an illusionist who can drain health.

Pretend you're Anna a second and think like me....

You can see where this is going, can't you?

So yeah, Cave Nightmare got owned by an undead army that would make Ash proud -- think I ran back to the beginning and reanimated everything I could and then just charged in with the ten or so that lived long enough.   They did Mommy proud.

Another plus to this is that once I buy the game, it's free online play forever and ever, amen.  No $15.  Woo.  Definitely something to consider.

Things still on the table are City of Heroes/Villains and FFXI.  I know Erin is going to cry and Cyndy is going to cheer about the last one.  I've recently been curious about the first two.

Off the table is Star Wars: Galaxies for the time being.  I'm still hearing anger over the NGE patch, plus I rather wait til Star Trek Online releases.  Granted, it's not taking place in the TOS timeline.

Oh, and for those who missed the reference.  Long live Tarantino.

Three bags of heroin lie on Lance's bed.

Lance and Vincent stand at the foot of the bed.

Now this is Panda, from Mexico.
Very good stuff. This is Bava,
different, but equally good. And
this is Choco from the Hartz
Mountains of Germany. Now the
first two are the same, forty-five
an ounce -- those are friend prices
-- but this one...
(pointing to the Choco)
...this one's a little more
expensive. It's fifty-five. But
when you shoot it, you'll know
where that extra money went.
Nothing wrong with the first two.
It's real, real, real, good shit.
But this one's a fuckin' madman.

Remember, I just got back from

Am I a nigger? Are you in
Inglewood? No. You're in my
house. White people who know the
difference between good shit and
bad shit, this is the house they
come to. My shit, I'll take the
Pepsi Challenge with Amsterdam shit
any ol' day of the fuckin' week.

That's a bold statement.

This ain't Amsterdam, Vince. This
is a seller's market. Coke is
fuckin' dead as disco. Heroin's
comin' back in a big fuckin' way.
It's this whole seventies retro.
Bell bottoms, heroin, they're as
hot as hell.
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