(thousand-yard stare)

Apr 24, 2007 17:07

....So I cleaned up my room yesterday. Big time. My friend Mel (no relation to frizzy haired shrieky Who thing Mel) crashed on my flat's floor last night, and I did a rather thorough job of cleaning it...Hasn't been this clean since I moved in.

...Problem is, I'm horribly lonely and paranoid without my clutter. I feel like I'm in 'Nam, waiting for an ambush. Whether I'm going to be on the giving or receiving end is up for grabs.

(The Doors' 'The End' filters in)

Yeah. Definitely very Apocalypse Now. So I'm huddled on my bed, staring at my carpet, waiting for it to lurch up and eat me or something.

5 days to travel to Stansted airport and ultimately Germany. I can't believe it's already 5 pm. Guh. I need a vacay. That, and more moneys for other vacays I plot to take.

And I need to catch up on House at some point. D'oh. I've been fairly good about Who, though I haven't snagged this week's yet. Curses, refusal to pay TV tax and general refusal to get a television for the 9 months I'm here. Granted, it hasn't curbed my net habit at all. If anything, I'm worse.

Plague of my writing lately has been fan fiction. I've had a bunch of FF7 fan fic plot bunnies, but now that I'm back into Who....Ten/Reinette. Yes. Fireplace Man may rise again.

This is all preventing me from writing my paper on Tarantino and traditional gender roles and how he undermines them. Despite the violence (or even because of it), he's one of the most woman-worshipping directors/scriptwriters I've seen. Hard to explain without c&p'ing my whole dissertation. Mebbe some other time.

Also, I need to toss my Who reviews in here. While Toon Zone is a nice forum, I need to be more geek chic in a Tennant sort of way.
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