Upcoming vacation, YES!!

Nov 21, 2005 00:30

So as it would seem, I'm gonna be in Cold Spring from Wednesday - Sunday for THANKSGIVING vacation... hooray? XP It's gonna be kinda weird... I don't really wanna go back, as I hate Cold Spring honestly and sincerely. But I do miss a lot of people, and it'll give me the opportunity to hang with some kids I haven't seen since August, when the mother issued a perma-ban against me... one that has seemingly been revoked?


Well, okay. So now I'm welcome back, I guess... but whatever, I don't plan on spending too much time inside the house... too many people to catch up, and smoke up, and the like. :) Yes, I plan on enjoying my brief stay, although it seems I may be back in early December for a friend's overnight party, anyway. God damn, fun times abound.

Also, upcoming concert in early December should be sweet... Murphys Law, Streetlight Manifesto, and The Casualties, plus ten other smaller bands. It's a ska/punk/hardcore spectacular at The Chance in Poughkeepsie!! Jesus, it's been too long since I've been to a real show... I am THERE! :D

So things seem to be looking up for now. We'll see how long that lasts... XD But seriously, it never does for long, so I'm just gonna go all-out in having a good time and not worrying about so much shit. Because it's bound to come to an end, and I wanna ride it while things are smooth.

School is school, nothing else to it. Except that, as stated, college kicks the shit out of high school, period. And to make things even more awesome, two friends of mine from the local high school have also quit, and are joining me at college next semester. Take THAT, Public Education System!! >O Yes. :D

Peanut butter ice cream is a wonderous food, and now I must partake.

~Andrew the Ravenous

P.S. - The new Aquabats CD does NOT suck. Granted, it's their worst overall, but it doesn't outright suck, and the awesomeness of "Fashion Zombies" alone redeems it almost completely. Almost.
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