Cat pictures

Jun 06, 2010 11:39


Let's start with pictures of Ari. Which would be all the pictures, because what else do I ever take pictures of, except there's a ~*SAGA*~ to share afterward.

Ari likes to sleep here.
And here.
Here, too.
And lounge outside.
And on my shoulder.
90% of the time, if I'm bitching about him climbing on my shoulders, this is where he is.

And now it's time for...


My first encounter with this cat went something like this. I'd seen her hanging around in the backyard before, but one day I walked outside and saw this:

(She actually had all 4 with her at the time but after I ran upstairs to grab my camera, they were scattering.)

Then she ran off too.

I've been feeding her while trying to catch her. She appreciated the tuna, I guess.

Today, I FINALLY managed to catch the kittens. They were playing in a box outside and all I had to do was turn it upright (they couldn't climb out), run inside and grab a carrier, and shove 'em in. I set up a home for them all in the downstairs bathroom, but the kittens are too young to be eating solid foods yet I think (their eyes are open though), so I've been trying to catch the mama all morning.

Pictures of the kittens:

These guys just didn't want to play nice.

Finally tried to get them all in one spot:

Kind of...

Dammit seal-point-tabby =| Get over there.


But then I FINALLY got them all in the box at the same time:

Gramma said something about taking them to the SPCA but I know her. I know how it played out every other time she found abandoned kittens. We're going to keep them.

Anybody got name suggestions?

[Edit] I checked 'em out and they're all boys except the all-black one. I've temporarily named them Euclid (b/w), Archimedes (seal-point), Copernicus (tabby), and Persephone (black).

kittens!!!, 1000 words, real life what

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