For shame, yamikonumber7!

Mar 23, 2009 18:37

What's this?! A meme-tag?!


01 → Do you like this character?

Ahahahahaha yes. Actually dontbepanic and I have been told that we mimic Hamel and Raiel IRL which is...fairly true, tbh, hahaha. Anyway! Raiel is my favourite character in VoH (my second fav being Guitar), so yeah! I dig 'im!

02 → What name/s do you call this character?

Raiel and Rai-chan, mostly. Though I only refer to him as Rai-chan when speaking in context of Ha-chan. (That is, I'll go "Ha-chan and Rai-chan" but I won't just call him Rai-chan out of the blue.) Umm other than that not really? Raiko I guess BUT HAHA ONLY WHEN HE'S IN DRAG.

03 → What image/color do you associate with this character?

GREEN. Should be pretty obvious. Specifically the combination of green, white, and orange. But mostly green. As for image...ah, well, anything to do with pianos makes me think of him, so XD

04 → What image-song do you associate with this character?

So Kia posted this one for Flonne and uhhhh you know what it doubles for Raiel too. (They're both LOVE FREAKS so I guess it's appropriate.)

There are others though:
- Swan Lake (THANKS, VoH ANIME. Because it's like the only song he ever plays)
- Billy Joel's Piano Man (um mostly just for the title really hahaha, though if Raiel were a character from a modern timeline I could see him making a living as a piano player in some run-down joint)
- Queen's Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy HAHAHA THIS ONE IS LIKE RAIEL's THEMESONG I SWEAR TO GOD I cannot hear this song without thinking of Raiel anymore
- Do You Believe in Magic (this is a cover but it's actually a pretty good one!), which sumi pointed out to me, ummm basically it fits really well both in the whole hopeless romantic and magical music sense which is pretty cool
- aaand of course there's the Infernal Dance from the Firebird Suite (they never specify which part of the suite he plays to summon Firebird, but I like to think it's this part)

GOD GUINDO WHY DON'T YOU JUST PUT TOGETHER AN FST ALREADY. Look. Look, music is important when you play a character whose life revolves around it, okay. I think about this kind of thing a lot.

05 → What blood-type do you think this character is?

Haha you know what I looked up the personality/blood-types thing a while ago and totally just threw it out the window. Raiel is blood-type AB because if he needed to match type for transfusions HE'D BE DEAD.

06 → Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?

... looooool RaielxHamel forever. (THIS IS SO CANON I SWEAR TO GOD.)

Okay okay see here's the thing, Raiel doesn't even REALIZE it. And even if he did, he'd still be shoving his own feelings aside and trying to hook up Hamel and Flute, because he knows that he doesn't have NEARLY the effect on Hamel that Flute does. IE, Hamel is better off with Flute and Raiel just wants him to be happy.


07 → What would you want to say to this character?

...oh jeez. Ummm... Dude, you don't need to put on a fake cheerfulness all the time just to keep everyone else happy. Your own feelings are valid, you should let them out more often. Those people you're always trying to cheer up? Some of them do really care how you feel! You should let them try to return the favour once in a while!

08 → What do you want to do with this character:

I would like to learn the piano from him I think 8Da Also I would like to BE HIS FRIEND FOREVER because Raiel is like the most reliable friend you can have ;___;/

09 → Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.

Oh gosh uh
dontbepanic - Ha-chan
sumi - Garnet
hibari - Kuja
ebugle - Sunny
slinkoboy - Shorty

i need a life, he has a hat!, i'm a sheep!

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