Oct 10, 2007 08:01
Had a dream that the caps on my bicuspids fell off. The left one shoved back on pretty easy but the right one would not stay on and kept falling back off.
There was a lot more to it but that was the part that stood out.
[Edit] OKAY SO THE REST OF IT was like there was me and this group of folks and we got into an accident of some kind, car I think, and my teeth just started falling out, and some reason I was trying to get away, I think it was because I was some sort of antagonist to the group but double-crossing by pretending to be with them.
I ended up back at a larger version of the old aparment, it was kind of like a cross between that and gramma's house, and there was Peter on the computer and there was Jessica there (God.) and gramma came by to check up on us and I was like "I NEED TO SEE A DENTIST IMMEDIATELY" but it was SUPER LATE so I had to wait 'til the next day.
And actually it was a kind of creepy sort of dream but I can't really place why.
overactive what-the-hell gland