Last night I was SUPER TIRED and kept drifting off in the middle of crawling Tartarus, which, I decided, was a bad sign, thus I went to bed super early last night. I've been staying up super late so I figured I should balance it out a bit.
I went to bed at 9ish and got up at 7ish and took a shower and I FEEL SO GREAT I FEEL LIKE I COULD TAKE ON THE WORLD or at least take on some P3 until all my online peeps wake up and sign on their AIMs. And then I'll probably take on some seals and get my sage some level 71, heck yeah.
kappuchino we got you all set up for RO and haven't even started playing yet! I even made a couple'a novices to level with you cuz I decided I wanted a soul linker and a taekwon ranker! (YES A RANKER PERMA-TK WHOO GO YEAH her name is Dry Bones and she will be GLORIOUS.) Are you working this weekend? It's a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY as it is 1.5x exp this weekend!
(And all those people who were afraid the kafra shop 150% exp for x time item would be the end of exp weekends. Told you so.)
Anyway time to go respond to some threads and then try to get past October in P3!
OH THANK YOU GOD *___* Maybe now I will be able to wrangle my smith up to a halfway decent level! FREE ENDOWS FOR uh myself and also not free but at the cost of elemental stones BUT STILL THAT IS AWESOME.
Also re-implementation of the mail system, I HOPE IT WORKS NOW that would make it so much easier to get things between accounts. ...ACTUALLY THAT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE REALLY CUZ MULTIPLE CLIENT SUPPORT I CAN JUST TRADE STUFF.
Man these new features are looking PRETTY EXCELLENT. I think this was a good time to get back into RO.