Today feels a little lackluster already.

May 13, 2007 08:23

Wow I woke up to 7.5m, that was nice! I also bought for andre cards at 350k ea, which was also quite excellent. I know I only needed one, but hey. When a merchant hands you a deal, you take it! So I'm going to get up my blacksmith to vend some things while I'm gone today. I'm down to 5.5m now but this shouldn't last long. I also need to PM Velenio Serpentarius (or Veleno, whichever it is) and ask for my aqua coat back. Slink perhaps needs it for seals. =|

I didn't sleep very well last night, at all. I kept waking up. I almost decided to wake up for good at 4:30 but I just went back to sleep again. Munkie called at 7-something and asked if I wanted to go mother's day shopping for mom with her. PROBABLY a good idea so yeah, I need to go get dressed and wait for her to show up.

She also said that mom told her about last night and she told me I did a good job there.

Ah, I'd elaborate on last night but I don't really feel like talking about it right now. Maybe later today after I get back.

I had a dream where this army officer handed out forms for us to fill in (us was like a classroom full of people) but I couldn't use a pen for some reason so I was carving the information onto it with a steak knife, but I had to hold it down by the tip of the blade like the same way I'd hold a pencil. The officer came by to ask why I was taking so long and I showed him the knife and he just said, "Oh that would explain it, carry on," and I wasn't even wondering why he didn't just hand me a pen. Everyone else had one. The strange part of the dream though, now that I think about it, was that I never cut myself doing this. Kind of like the danger wasn't even there? I dunno. Dreams are so odd.

flee forsakes me, overactive what-the-hell gland, real life what

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