Jan 27, 2005 20:18
Thinking about what matters in life. There's only one thing: Jesus Christ. Sometimes I don't think I'm honest with myself about that. I think "Here's time for God. Here's time for school. Here's time for wyldlife."
Why am I not thinking "Here's life for God."?
I fail day after day, and Christ never gives up on me. What am I doing all the time? How much of it even benefits God?
I mean...we all know everything that happens benefits God, because if it didn't happen then there would be no God, because He's created a set of circumstances which demand each and every result to take place. So, what I do is all a result of those circumstances and succeed in fulfilling His plan up to this moment.
But am I SERVING God explicitly in all I do? No.
"Sin is not giving God the proper place in your life."
If I do not directly and willingly glorify my Lord with each action, word, and thought, then those lacking that direction are sin.
Ope, I just coughed and my gum flew out onto my keyboard....
On that note, I'm OUTTA herrr.
the guff
(Christy rules!!!)