I officially have no luck whatsoever

Dec 22, 2004 13:18

I woke up at 2:15am this morning with the familiar old taste of blood in my mouth. I once again started to bleed from the same spot in my throat. So officially I have dick for luck as far as complications with elective surgeries go. Yay me! I got a day off of work and I really hope this doesn't happen again. I'm really quite tired of the whole healing process. I'm going to drink water until I pass out now. The doctor this time was miles less gentle than the last guy... sprayed me with high pressure novocaine which made me hack and cough and gag instantly. Rather than taking a half an hour to slowly numb the back of the throat with a needle he jabs me like 4 times rapid fire and then tells me to stop him if I'm hurting him. I was thinking "is there a retroactive clause for that statement there Dr. Mengeler? Am I going to have to report this to Meine Fuhrer?" But in all fairness he was quick and got the job done in a reasonable amount of time. My dad decided to join me in the emergency room this time which was a little awkward, I guess I prefer to get poked, prodded, and charbroiled all by me onesy rather than having an audience. That's about it for now.
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