Application to unclub

Apr 22, 2004 23:26

* Name: Greg
* Age: 19
* Location: San Diego
* Mission: To Rock
* Native Language: Gibberish
* Favorite Bands: Primus and Gwar (too many to name)
* Favorite Movies: Brother, Braveheart, Memento
* Favorite Books: The Heart of Darkness, Shogun, and 1984
* Your biggest character flaw or delusion: I’m an ass (sometimes)
* Your biggest fantasy: To Rock the entire world (example Concert with 6.5 billion attendee’s)
* Favorite Website:
* Race/Class/Alignment (or just label yourself): Demon/Martyr/Chaotic Good
* Opinions on: EVERYTHING
- File Sharing / The RIAA: Share what you have take what you don’t
- Veganism/vegetarianism/PeTA: Good for sex even though they don’t understand that they imbibe animal byproducts whether they know it or not. Essential Amino acids come from animals and nowhere else. Trust me I work in the nutritional business.
- Abortion: A zygote is not a lamb of god, yet, neither is a fetus. I don’t approve of the practice, but if I saw someone calling some poor unwed would-be mother a whore so help me I would send that person to the intensive care unit.
- Gay Marriage: They are humans too, let them get married it’s not hurting you and if you think it does you are an idiot. If you don’t like the way the world works then try and change it… see what happens.
- Politics: is pointlessness personified.
- PS1 Games: Rocked so hard
- Affirmative Action: Is very necessary in places like the south. If you think I’m wrong then your probably a racist or a stupidhead. Or you have never been a minority. And if you haven’t been a minority come to San Diego where everyone is a minority.
- The Media: Cause all matter of hysteria. The new should be presented naked so as not to alarm anyone.
- The War on Terrorism (Iraq): First off a war on terrorism is almost as stupid a war on staplers. Terrorism will never subside so long as hypocritical tyrants run the countries of the world. Second the whole Iraq thing is totally separate from the “War on Terrorism” get your facts straight. Iraq is about oil and Sadam… Afganistan was about terrorism. I’m not pointing any fingers. Cough!!!*OIL*Cough!! Cough!!! *Cheney practically owns the largest oil company in the world* Cough!!! Cough!!!
- Body Modification: I want bionic legs and remote control genitalia.
* One topic you think should be included on this application: Toast?
* How'd you hear about us? Friend
* Anything else to say for yourself? I swear I am not a bleeding heart liberal I am just a well-informed multi-faceted asshole. (I’m sure all the young and old republicans and conservatives will greatly contribute to me getting the lowest score ever. I thank you all with my longest finger.)
* Required: a picture of yourself. (Contact zionchild if you need help with this step.)
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