Gearing Up

Sep 21, 2010 15:51

What's that you say?  You thought I had died?  Or perhaps disowned fandom?  Or been kidnapped and held for ransom without internet access?

Alas, none of those things have happened.  I've been here...busy as time for squealing and such.  It's been a somewhat liberating experience, not feeling tethered to a computer all summer.  Yet at the same time, it's been a strangely lonely and alienating experience as well.  I used to check LJ about 40 times a day.  My last post was almost three months ago now!  Hopefully, not too many of you have dropped me from your f-list, although I certainly can't blame anyone that did.

I haven't given up writing, although it sure felt that way for a while.  Going spoiler free had a very interesting side effect that I was unprepared for.  My hats off to you ladies that stay unspoiled and still manage to be active members of the community.  I think I might need some serious tips on how to do that because I just found myself slipping away more and more as the time went by.  Even now, this post is taking a concerted effort on my part.  I know that this feeling will fade, and that my usual fangirl craziness is almost in my grasp.  I just need to get over this dry spell and I know I'll get there.

And what better way to "prime the pump" than for Bones to be back this Thursday?!!!!

OH YEAH!!!!!

My excitement may be tempered, but I am totally stoked, and I can't wait for the fresh influx of new episodes.  I might even get some writing going again, because I don't have much except my computer to mess with in my free time.  (Meaning - after kids are in bed!)  We are moving (insert a big hell yeah) on the 1st from our 1200 sqft apartment into a 3371 sqft house on 1.37 acres with beach access and a gorgeous view!!  Words cannot even begin to describe my excitement.  So I've packed up most of our things at this point.  You can check out the house (and drool over it and be jealous ;-) HERE.

Suffice to say, packing a family of five is a HUGE task, but I've stayed on it pretty well.  And as if having a new baby, two older kids, and a big move all on my plate right now isn't ebough, my hubby has officially quit his web development job and started his own mobile application company called MokaSocial.  Its craziness, I tell you!  Absolute craziness around here!  But I love it, and I'm excited, and I can't wait to get all settled into a new house with a new routine and a new way of doing things.  I just wish all of you were closer so I could invite you to the housewarming party!

So much more to share with you guys...Harrison is such a wonderful baby.  He's almost five months old now - can you believe that?  What have you all been up to?  How are your families?  Who managed to stay spoiler free?  (I am RIDICULOUSLY un-spoiled.  GO ME I DID IT!!)  
More later, but I'm off to go and catch up with some of your posts.

gryphin is a total failure, where the hell have you been, bones, general, family

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