Feb 09, 2010 17:50
Seriously guys, I'm so sorry that I've been so absent lately! I don't know what the heck my problem is! I just hope that all will forgive me...eventually anyway!
For some reason, I've just found myself slipping out of the "fandom mindset". It just seems to happen to us all at some point or another, and for most of us, it seems like it's temporary. Do any of you that have gotten over the proverbial hump have any good tips or tricks for me?
There is so much fic and other exciting posts to get to, so if I haven't commented or you haven't heard from me in a while, I am truly shamefaced and will be working hard to fix it in the very near future! I'm thinking maybe if I update my journal, maybe crank out some fic, get involved with a hiatus re-watch or some such that I might kick start my brain back into the comfortable plain of obsessing over Bones! =)
Or maybe my problem is that I started watching Lost? After my flist started SPAZZING OUT about the Season 6 premier, I started to feel a little left behind. Well, lo and behold, my sister owns all 5 seasons, and she has so generously loaned them to me. And, you guys...seriously...
Its hard to stay wired into Bones during a hiatus while I'm watching Lost episodes like a junkie looking for her next fix.
Yes, it's that (good) bad.
Bones fans stick with me though! I KNOW that I have to finish Flight. I know I know IKNOWIKNOWIKNOW!!!!! I have nightmares about it, I swear! I just want to go hide my head in the sand and pretend like I don't know what I'm talking about! I am 31 weeks pregnant TODAY and while I don't want to think that being such a walrus is in some way impeding my creative muse...it just might be the case. I am 1000 words into the next chapter, and I usually post 3000-4000 at a time. I...NEED...TO...FOCUS!
Anyway. I just wanted to say hai, love you ALL, miss you ALL, IM me or something and help me get my groove back!