Yesterday was a long day for me. I worked all day and when we got out I went to hang out with some of my friends for several hours. I got home around four in the morning, actually - it seems like lately I've been up pretty late at night. Saturday night a bunch of us went to IHOP for my friend Nick's going-away from Target party and then last night was just hanging out and talking. It's really nice to have people to talk to, especially when a lot of my friends have been so busy I haven't heard from them in a while.
Today is the first of my two days off in a row, and I've been spending it listening to music and just laying around. It's honestly been great to relax after such a busy week.
Shelley gets back from her trip soon! I'm glad we can start writing again soon. I really have missed it, and her. Hopefully she had a good visit, though.
Tomorrow I'll either play Madworld all day or finally get to do some writing. We'll see.
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