I never thought I would put Snoufy's nuts in my mouth

Mar 28, 2006 20:32

Svenja called while I wa sat the internet cafe with Patrcik. Some guy is still telling he rnasty untrue thinsg about an after Scara party from weeks ago. He said he was not agressive, but maybe he should get agressive with all of us. She belives me and Patrcik. The whole 'I kept asking hem to stop talking about rapeing women' part is too extreame. And it turns out there way talk fo rape that I did not know about. Patrcik had said rapists should be locked in a concentration camp.

I need a job. I dont need to be fighting. If he starts with me, my firneds will join the festivities. I dont need to be interviewing with a black eye or getting arrested two weeks before I am nolonger legal here.

Snoufy walked up with a can of peanuts after we left.

After they get out of night school Patrcik and Svenja will pick me up so she can feed me. I liek food.
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