Question: What currents underlie camp?
Rune: I drew Ansuz AGAIN for today (and I was using my partner's set of runes). Not only did I draw this for yesterday, I drew Ansuz for this position last time. Again, it means god or mouth: the voice of god, divine inspiration, the holy spirit (Norse style).
Meaning: I guess this is what I get for doing a path of deep listening and Norse shamanism - a lot of feed back on the divine connection. I'm taking this as a good sign for a strong connection during camp.
Since I'm party doing this to learn more runes, I asked an additional question and drew a second rune.
Question: What do I not know about the currents underlying camp?
Rune: I know this rune as Algiz, but Paxon has the name Elhaz. This English translation is varied - it can be elk, swan or sacred grove (yew). It means protection, sanctuary, being guarded by the spirits.
Meaning: I'm going to quote some of Paxon's book Taking up the Runes as she covers a lot of territory. Here are 3 excerpts from pages 158-159:
If one interprets the word as Algize, the "swan" (or Valkyrie swan-may), the rune could stand for the link between man and his fygja, or spirit guide, which may take an animal form...the protection of Elhaz comes from one's relationship with a personal divinity (in function rather the like the Roman genius or spirit guardian)....
...its three "arms" as representing the three elements (air, fire, and water) that comprise the Bifrost bridge, emphasizing the rune's function as a connection. As a protective force, it is a fiery energy that repels all that is unclean, warding and making holy at the same time...
...A second concept that seems to have won general agreement is that it can help link the natural and divine worlds. The magical protection of Elhaz is gained by through the integration of matter and spirit. It's hallowing effect is not imposed from without but manifested from within
Algiz is a rune I've picked up and worked with as a rune of protection, but never really looked more deeply than that. There is a lot more I didn't include that is equally rich and thought provoking.
For me, this rune is letting know me that camp is going to be a strong container to do the magic. One of the magical concepts that I've been introduced to by Reclaiming is the idea of the container. Often used to describe the circle itself, I tend to view it in a larger sense. It's not only the ritual used to cleanse, protect and sanctify a space - but also the trust between participants (in the physical people as well as the Mysterious Ones) that allows one to lower one's guard. It is the preparations that let one take the next step. Camps seem to have rhythms, each ritual building on the last, letting the participants ease deeper into an altered state or open a little wider to spirit and to each other.
Having drawn Ansuz twice for what currents underly camp and now Algiz once, I'm taking this to mean that camp will have a strong container; a sacred place that will allow me to listen deeply what the spirits have to say. A place so sanctified and holy that will help curb the (perceived) divide between matter and spirit. And that spiritual connection will make us stronger. Again, an auspicious draw for the path I'm taking.