May 04, 2009 13:50
A friend of mine told me that it rained today and that that it was a good thing, except for the fire ant hills that spring up afterward.
Then he says, "There I go with the glass being half full again."
This is my response.
If the glass was empty at all, there would be NOTHING in it.
The glass is either in use, or abandoned. I think for some, it is an effort to even see the glass, let alone any contents within it. All you did was fill the glass and drink from it only to see that it was now no longer completely filled. The glass can NOT be 'half' empty or 'half' full. It can not be empty or full at all at the same time. This is a 'duh' statement , to be sure, but it can not be half of/or both.
It, the glass, is a single thing; your perception of the world. Balanced, or out of balance. Used, or not in use. A glass that has something left in it is merely forgotten or discarded or is in current use. Either keep filling and using it, or discard it and get a new one. THAT is how MY glass operates.
When it gets low, I fill it up again. I prefer to keep it filled. When it gets dirty or the drink is nasty, I rinse it out, clean it up, and use it again.
It is, in fact, the grand alembic of life experience. And like an alembic, when used, it produces the most wonderful things.