
Nov 05, 2008 17:25

Я знаю что многие в Израэле горюют по поводу выбора Обамы. Зря!

Вот копия поста с другого блога.

It was a beautiful thing when the campus kept erupting in cheers of elation all throughout last night. Strangers were hugging one another, high fiving each other as they passed on the street. "WE DID IT! WE GOT ONE!" I kept hearing. "OBAMMAAAAAAAA"

An image that sticks out in my head was that of one girl standing up on the third platform of our famous statue with her fist raised. Yeah, this one:

Black Power, girl... black power.

I'm not sure if my political affiliations are clear from my previous posts, but I'll just say it: I'm really happy Obama won. Bush has been in power since I was 14! I grew up under that guy. I haven't been happy about election results in 12 years and I don't even remember what that feels like!

But come on, people. Do you really think he'll change that much? I *know* we'll be a lot better off under Obama than we were under Bush. Bush isn't hard to beat! I just can't help but feel cynical that Obama will fix all our problems.

People see what they want to see in their candidate. Bill Maher said on the Daily Show that he doesn't believe Obama is all that religious, but only says he is to garner votes. Alright, Bill. Mr. Maher can't respect a religious person, so he assumes anyone he respects is not religious. I LOVE that kind of logic *eye roll.* My classmates believe that Obama secretly supports gay marriage, even though he says he doesn't. "He couldn't get elected if he says he supports it!" Yes, that's true. It's become even more painfully apparent what even the most liberal states think of gay marriage after last night (WHAT THE FUCK, CALIFORNIA!! GRRRRRR)... but just because you want him to, doesn't mean Obama actually ascribes to your philosophy! (P.S. All this can be said about McCain supporters too.)

And EVERYONE believes that Obama represents Hope with a capital H (capital H for Hussein? heh, ok sorry). That's great. I'm hopeful too. I would absolutely love to be proven wrong and have my cynicism dissipate.
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