I finally got some new lights for my photographing endevours...and I loves them. They have a few problems I'm still working out, but so far they're far better then what I've been using, I hope it'll start showing in my work.
The next anonymous anti-scientology protest is April 12th. I'll be attending so anyone else that would like to come can at least expect some company. If you do plan to come please do some research first. While these are fun, and having fun is a good reason to come, you should also know, and agree with, what you're protesting for. A good resources is Xenu.net . Note, we're not protesting the views of scientology. As silly as those views are they have every right to them, instead we're protesting the scores of illegal activities and suppressive behaviors of the church. Again, learn more at Xenu.net. This next protest is aimed specifically at their policy of alienating the non-scientolgoy family members from those within the cult.
Yes there are more important things to fight for out there, but this one interests me the most, and perhaps i'm too selfish to do anything else.
Here's a video for the next protest:
Click to view
Also, just because it angers me, here's a video from the last one in Atlanta. As far as we've been able to find out there were only 3 arrests worlwide, with 2 of these being in Atlanta...and totally ridiculous, as you can see.
Click to view
PS, if you want Guy Fawkes masks I'd buy them soon, and get the cheapest ones you can fidn (usually ebay), they're still good quality.
While I always still need models, I'm also looking for props and good shooting locations. If you haev anythign interesting you don't want, or would be willing to sell, let me know.